
Right just go into BECM and look for the security code it will more than likely not match that one, as the BECM will have scrambled it. Delete the one that's there and enter that one then write it to memory. That should sort it out. You may have to switch ignition off and on. Then it should start.
Thats were it goes wrong. I can get the other code up (which doesn't match) But I cannot proceed, again it says "LOCKED" There is not other functions highlighted that i can use either. The code isn't it any sort of check box, but just wrote like the one in the pic.
Me neither, I'm officially mined FU$K*D. You're just around the corner in Durham, You haven't got a sync mate have you? lol

Nope sorry. I also have a Lynx.

Does it allow you to change any other BECM settings? I'd try changing a setting then unplugging the lynx and reconnecting it and see if that setting has been saved.
Thats were it goes wrong. I can get the other code up (which doesn't match) But I cannot proceed, again it says "LOCKED" There is not other functions highlighted that i can use either. The code isn't it any sort of check box, but just wrote like the one in the pic.

Sorry then don't know how the Lynx works, i have a Nanocom which can do that.
Nope, it wont let me change any codes. It will let me test functions in the BECM - but that about it.

So you can't change any BECM settings at all like the one touch window option for example? If so it sounds like your BECM has an issue and is locked which I don't think a syncmate will help with.
So you can't change any BECM settings at all like the one touch window option for example? If so it sounds like your BECM has an issue and is locked which I don't think a syncmate will help with.

I can change one touch window & things. Ie enable and disable, but when it comes to codes I cant enter any.
So you can't change any BECM settings at all like the one touch window option for example? If so it sounds like your BECM has an issue and is locked which I don't think a syncmate will help with.

You can have a locked BECM or an unlocked BECM. On an unlocked BECM you can read the EKA code and the fob code. On a locked one you can't. It doesn't matter if the BECM is locked or unlocked the Syncmate will still resync the EMS code.
Hi I had a similar problem with mine you can try what I did you put key in the ignition and turn it to position 2 or 3 mine was 3 and enter your EKA code by putting the number in with the lock and enter with the unlock on fob. If EKA is 1234 you press lock (1) then unlock then lock twice (2) then unlock and so on for numbers 3 & 4. Hope this works for you .
Good luck.
I can read my EKA codes and my fob codes. It says my EKA code is 9999 which is different to one wrote in the drivers manual, does this sound right?
Hi I had a similar problem with mine you can try what I did you put key in the ignition and turn it to position 2 or 3 mine was 3 and enter your EKA code by putting the number in with the lock and enter with the unlock on fob. If EKA is 1234 you press lock (1) then unlock then lock twice (2) then unlock and so on for numbers 3 & 4. Hope this works for you .
Good luck.

I'll give that a go, I thought that was done at the drivers door?
I have heard that the EKA code will not repeat numbers but not sure some one on here might know better the then me !
Have you tried both ?
Just the one in the manual as I read all 4 number should be different, plus I tried at the door. But I also read it wouldn't be necessary as the RF on the key is working the doors.
You can have a locked BECM or an unlocked BECM. On an unlocked BECM you can read the EKA code and the fob code. On a locked one you can't. It doesn't matter if the BECM is locked or unlocked the Syncmate will still resync the EMS code.

Apologies, I didn't mean it like that. I meant that it could be locked out and stuck in an alarmed state which would require it being sent to someone like Rick. I probably should have clarified.

I can read my EKA codes and my fob codes. It says my EKA code is 9999 which is different to one wrote in the drivers manual, does this sound right?

That's normal. It just shows 9999 because your BECM is locked so you can't see it.
Ok it's worth a try as it might work it took me two weeks to get mine sorted and I got a nanocom.
Good luck
When advance is pressed, all I get is LOCKED. I cant press or do anything else
Quite right, the EDC is locked. You write down that number close the EDC page then go into the BECM page, find the correct box and write back the number. However if you cannot write it to the BECM and you read a duff EKA code, I suspect the BECM is in an Alarmed lock condition, if so the Syncmate will not help, it will be a job for rick the pick or someone with a Faultmate and the SM035 module.
I don't suppose the carpet is wet in the drivers footwell by any chance?
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