




I can change & alter the settingd in the Becm, but not change codes. If i Make any changed to the "one key" etc... it will apply the changes.
I can change & alter the settingd in the Becm, but not change codes. If i Make any changed to the "one key" etc... it will apply the changes.

It's NOT the EKA code you need to change. You need to find where in the BECM the EMS code is stored and change it to the one listed in the ECM module. You CANNOT change the code in the ECM module that is LOCKED. Once ECM module is locked to robust it can never be unlocked and the ECM/BECM hand shake will always be required to start the engine. That code MUST be written to the BECM. The security code 2178 if that is listed in BECM needs changing to 2283 the one listed in the ECM and writing into the BECM.
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The EMS code of 2178 and becm code of 2283. I cannot find any option on the Lynx to replace the becm code to the EMS code. This is why I'm starting to think the Lynx is not set up to carry out this function.
So to clarify things.. will the Syncmate allow me to start the engine? or do I need to whip the Becm out and have it wiped, unlocked and reprogrammed?
So to clarify things.. will the Syncmate allow me to start the engine? or do I need to whip the Becm out and have it wiped, unlocked and reprogrammed?

Depends on if the BeCM has gone into an alarmed state...if it has then only the Faultmate MSV with the SM035 module will unlock it or alternatively you could send it to Rick-the-Pick (goooooogle Callrova) who is in Brighton who will be able to unlock and reset it for you.

If the BeCM isn't in an alarmed state than a BBS Syncmate should be able to resync the codes for you.

I have doubts the Lynx can do this for you looking at the screen shots!
I've been in touch with Rick, hes going to see what he can do :)
this is the only fault code on the vehicle what cannot be deleted
Depends on if the BeCM has gone into an alarmed state...if it has then only the Faultmate MSV with the SM035 module will unlock it or alternatively you could send it to Rick-the-Pick (goooooogle Callrova) who is in Brighton who will be able to unlock and reset it for you.

If the BeCM isn't in an alarmed state than a BBS Syncmate should be able to resync the codes for you.

I have doubts the Lynx can do this for you looking at the screen shots!

If the BECM is in the alarmed state it changes languages and such if it can be read i would not think it is in an alarmed state.
I've been in touch with Rick, hes going to see what he can do :)
this is the only fault code on the vehicle what cannot be deleted

It can't be deleted maybe because the EMS code in the ECM and the one in the BECM don't match. I don't know how the Lynx works but one thing is for sure i am bloody glad i got a Nanocom. :D:D:D
So to clarify things.. will the Syncmate allow me to start the engine? or do I need to whip the Becm out and have it wiped, unlocked and reprogrammed?

Wait til you get the Syncmate i am sure it will sort your problem. Lynx appears to be crap or at least somewhat limited.
With complexities of the P38 (and other models the Lynx can handle) that is dangerous!

"Good morning gentlemen welcome to your first day as a armament technical officer on board this nuclear submarine. As you will be aware there is no instructional literature available as this is a learn as you go position. Nip off now and get on with it. But be careful this is the last boat we have for some unexplained reason". :D:D:D
"Good morning gentlemen welcome to your first day as a armament technical officer on board this nuclear submarine. As you will be aware there is no instructional literature available as this is a learn as you go position. Nip off now and get on with it. But be careful this is the last boat we have for some unexplained reason". :D:D:D

I feel like sending a strongly worded email to Omitec
"Good morning gentlemen welcome to your first day as a armament technical officer on board this nuclear submarine. As you will be aware there is no instructional literature available as this is a learn as you go position. Nip off now and get on with it. But be careful this is the last boat we have for some unexplained reason". :D:D:D
The EMS code of 2178 and becm code of 2283. I cannot find any option on the Lynx to replace the becm code to the EMS code. This is why I'm starting to think the Lynx is not set up to carry out this function.

Again - I HAVE DONE THIS ON ANOTHER P38 WITH LYNX. You read the code from the EMS, then go into the security menu of the BECM module, you can edit and over type the code there. Either something's broken or your BECM is locked. If it's the latter nothing will fix your problem, no nanocom or syncmate - your only options are finding someone with a Faultmate with the necessary module or RickThePick.

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