It has been suggested that a possible cause for this f%$& up was, that although the locking pins were in at TDC and did not remove them until the appropriate time of refit, when I refitted the cam chain sprocket I did not get it lined up properly so although the TDC line on the sprocket was where I thought it should be (in relation to the locking pin as the two coloured links and line had not moved on the sprocket), I had inadvertantly put it on slightly wrong so there would have been a bit of slack chain on one side, therefore one or two teeth out on the sprocket which would then throw the timing out which would lead to the current circumstances.

Anyway enough hypothesising, I've got to try and get the bugger going again.

So new head or rebuild? That is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows that Solihulls finest can throw at you, or take arms against a sea of troubles and opposing them saying bugger this for a game of soldiers.
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