You "ladies " commentary is great entertainment at times. Just fer you Mandy, Ill post a pic of the biggest pair of black balls youve ever seen. Id better post it in the Oi Poppy fred tho;)

He did as well....

Hey Taggie, welcome :D
Oi!!! 110!!!

How ya gonna pay for landy repairs without cake?:mad:;):D

Well given that i've always paid for all of my repairs with cake or sexual favours and in light of my lack of willingness to continue to pay by that method any more....i guess the Beast will just have to sit and rot on the drive :(
Well given that i've always paid for all of my repairs with cake or sexual favours and in light of my lack of willingness to continue to pay by that method any more....i guess the Beast will just have to sit and rot on the drive :(

Are you seriously gonna leave us to starve to death at the Bristol and West show?:eek::Cry::Cry:
Panic not...there be chip stalls at the show :p

But BB has repaid his debt to society so I'll have to buy my own and you only get about 3 chips in a portion for near enough a million quid.:Cry::Cry::Cry:
hieroglyphics dont impress me



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