Maybe they did break it and replace it without me seeing..... Hmm

I'm always serious about cake, it's not something to joke about.
only snooped me way onto this thread coz theres the word cake been mentioned

is any going free and where do i apply :smokin:
only snooped me way onto this thread coz theres the word cake been mentioned

is any going free and where do i apply :smokin:
Get to the back of the queue, boy!

I gets first dibbs at Taggie's offerings!!

Coz I'm nice! :D

110W speciality is chocolate cake!
Glad to hear you finally got your phone back. As others have said, should you need any help in the future, then having our location (Evesham) in your profile would help.

Please stick around, newcomers are always welcome, particularly female ones. Tell us more about yourself in the Intro section, and when you feel sufficiently resilient, pop into the Anything Goes section.
Glad to hear you got your phone out maid'll find most blokes on here quite normal once there's a mention of cake ...favs being lemon drizzle and working towards choc , walnut etc , but also loads of really good landy advice if you can get past the initiation tests ..:rolleyes:

Mrs Muds .:)
Initiation tests?! I'm not so good at tests...

Ive had a scout around and it seems like everyone here knows their stuff so I'll stay in the hope that I can learn something....
Initiation tests?! I'm not so good at tests...

Ive had a scout around and it seems like everyone here knows their stuff so I'll stay in the hope that I can learn something....

being a gaylander owner , you'll only need two things , a rhino skin coat and some ear defenders.( bull**** deflectors).:D
Glad you got your phone out, you won't be doin' that again!

I was goin' to suggest throwing a bucket of water over the panel but then I remembered that i's only the doors that fall off in the wet!

On a serious side, I did look at the pages in Rave about that lower panel; there are two bolts on the top edge which hold it in place. Only trouble is you've got to take the steering wheel off to get at them, and you've got to remove the driver's airbag to do that!

A professional's job methinks!
I have to say I've made more friends here than I usually do at ag shows which is quite impressive.

Ref the rules on pictures.... I think the rule book may be stuck behind my steering wheel? Obviously I believe you, who wouldn't?
I have to say I've made more friends here than I usually do at ag shows which is quite impressive.

Ref the rules on pictures.... I think the rule book may be stuck behind my steering wheel? Obviously I believe you, who wouldn't?

Friends or Potential pervs lol

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