Hmm I'm driving the wrong one then. Most cars that bimble along are lucky I don't try to drive over them. And it's always covered in mud. Been told that I fling it around... So yeah must get a disco next time!
Me baking tins have been stood down from duty for a while so be nice for someone else to fulfill the LZ insatiable appetite for cake :D
Glad you recovered your phone Taggy. Drop into the Oi Poppy thread some time, 'tis where the LZ ladies have breakfast :)
Me baking tins have been stood down from duty for a while so be nice for someone else to fulfill the LZ insatiable appetite for cake :D

:eek: Red alert (someone change the light bulb)

we need to take stock of the situation
May I suggest gaffa tape, or a jaf patch over the hole in the dash so it can't happen again. Or tye some bale string to ya phone :D:D:D

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