Glad you recovered your phone Taggy. Drop into the Oi Poppy thread some time, 'tis where the LZ ladies have breakfast :)

Typical!! The poor girl's not been a forum member for 48 hours and you LZ women are trying to corrupt her. :eek:

New female members should be treated with respect and decorum, just like we men have greeted, and assisted this poor soul in distress.

No wonder LZ gets a bad name for the way it treats its new members when the LZ Harpies start peddling their filth and being so brazen about their lasciviousness so quickly.
Typical!! The poor girl's not been a forum member for 48 hours and you LZ women are trying to corrupt her. :eek:

New female members should be treated with respect and decorum, just like we men have greeted, and assisted this poor soul in distress.

No wonder LZ gets a bad name for the way it treats its new members when the LZ Harpies start peddling their filth and being so brazen about their lasciviousness so quickly.

It's shocking behaviour. Never known anything like it ...
It's shocking behaviour. Never known anything like it ...

It's only SOME women on here , I'm an angel :angel:..:D
* coughs* altho dippy does do a great line in breakfast nibbles and pops has a full battalion of semi naked marines ...:eek:
I am a reformed character. I was corrupted by LZ upon joining , but have fought long and hard to return to my previous nun-like personna :)
I am a reformed character. I was corrupted by LZ upon joining , but have fought long and hard to return to my previous nun-like personna :)

yeah right , she just kills small furry animals , quietly going about their daily life ....
...but she is the queen of the lemon drizzle cake ;)
It's only SOME women on here , I'm an angel :angel:..:D
* coughs* altho dippy does do a great line in breakfast nibbles and pops has a full battalion of semi naked marines ...:eek:

Ahem. guy martin???

I am a reformed character. I was corrupted by LZ upon joining , but have fought long and hard to return to my previous nun-like personna :)

We'll convert you back... mwahahaha!!
yeah right , she just kills small furry animals , quietly going about their daily life ....
...but she is the queen of the lemon drizzle cake ;)

The guilt of said small furry animals demise has weighed heavily on my shoulders - I have attempted to attone for my sin by adopting a pack of feral squirrels and feeding them so they are healthy and fertile to replace the one I took from this earth.;)

I experienced the sin of pride and in my renouncement of all things evil I no longer bake my cakes ( they're quite evil to your waistline ) :(

I'm afraid I'm still a work in progress as regards renouncing the sins of the flesh but it's never stopped the Catholic Church so I don't see why it should stop me :D

I don't steal, I haven't killed anyone and I haven't coveted my neighbours Ox, (although I did get a big envious of Psulli's new wheels & tyres :()

I can't remember the other sins but I don't figure I've broken them so I figure I'm about half way there to nunhood :)
The guilt of said small furry animals demise has weighed heavily on my shoulders - I have attempted to attone for my sin by adopting a pack of feral squirrels and feeding them so they are healthy and fertile to replace the one I took from this earth.;)

I experienced the sin of pride and in my renouncement of all things evil I no longer bake my cakes ( they're quite evil to your waistline ) :(

I'm afraid I'm still a work in progress as regards renouncing the sins of the flesh but it's never stopped the Catholic Church so I don't see why it should stop me :D

I don't steal, I haven't killed anyone and I haven't coveted my neighbours Ox, (although I did get a big envious of Psulli's new wheels & tyres :()

I can't remember the other sins but I don't figure I've broken them so I figure I'm about half way there to nunhood :)

what about the Badger cull? Not slipping a badger in under the cover of darkness to avoid the authorities are you?:suspicious::D
so what your saying is next time you bake a cake you'll be dressed as a nun?

Pretty sure all that nylon and PVC is a bit of a fire hazard around naked flames so baking nun is out too I'm afraid.:p

Plus in any case I'm going for an Order where the ration of cloth to skin is a little higher than the Order that young lassie comes from :eek:
Pretty sure all that nylon and PVC is a bit of a fire hazard around naked flames so baking nun is out too I'm afraid.:p

Plus in any case I'm going for an Order where the ration of cloth to skin is a little higher than the Order that young lassie comes from :eek:

Oooooh so you're gonna go for thigh high boots instead of knee high........ Kinky!!!!;):D

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