
New Member
Got a nice christmas present from my one ten a day early, in the shape of the axle holding on the fan/viscous coupling to the water pump snapping and causing a fan blade to snap itself off on the radiator. Puncturing it.

As tempted I am to fill the thing full of rad seal, bolt on a new water pump which I've bought and tell it a fan is a luxury, I'm thinking it's just putting off the problem, and while I'm going to have to get a new radiator I might as well go the whole hog with this old fan business.

Here's where I stop rambling and delve into the landyzone seers' knowledge.

I need a new visous coupling and fan, I looked at getting an electric, and unless people think to say otherwise, the installation of electrickery sounds quite difficult, foreign and distinctly like cheating.
So I'd like to bolt on a new viscous, get a new fan, and throw in a new radiator for the 110's 20th birthday next week.

I'm having trouble finding a new unit, new, they're rare to find and quite expensive. The questions are, does anyone have one they want to let go of, perhaps having installed an electric fan and done away with it? Does anyone know where I can get every part from the end of the water pump to the tip of the viscous from, without matching 3rd world debt? Or, at a push, if any fan units from other models/years would fit my 2.5td? Other models' seem easier to come by (or are they just grass on the other side).

Cheers guys, wishing you all a New Year of no problems we can't fix (well that's why we love them?)

I bought a whole viscous set from Craddock, plus a new radiator.
I just need to get the bloody thing working asap before I have to go to Sandbags.
However the breaker's fan idea sounds bloody good for a future job,
I bought a whole viscous set from Craddock, plus a new radiator.
I just need to get the bloody thing working asap before I have to go to Sandbags.
However the breaker's fan idea sounds bloody good for a future job,

whats stopping you fitting it ? - didnt santa bring you any tools ?
I'm at uni in Notts atm, home is C. London and its stranded outside a cottage in West Hampshire. Got everything I need, but the right lattitude/longitude or time...
I'm at uni in Notts atm, home is C. London and its stranded outside a cottage in West Hampshire. Got everything I need, but the right lattitude/longitude or time...

no offence mate but if you or your parents can afford to live in west hampstead you can offord to gsi
gsi?? Not Hampstead mate, I live in Angel, Landy is in Hampshire.
unless you were making a play on words, on which I commend you.
Parents don't help me with any affording, disinherited me when I told them I joined the forces.
gsi?? Not Hampstead mate, I live in Angel, Landy is in Hampshire.
unless you were making a play on words, on which I commend you.
Parents don't help me with any affording, disinherited me when I told them I joined the forces.

oh yer, now i'm not reading it through the bottom of a beer glass it does say hampshire and not hampstead
Ah, I was considering that you'd call it West Hampstead because all the people who lived in Hampstead would own all the houses in Hampshire as their weekend digs.
People keep asking me why don't I get someone in, its cheaper, I learn from it (helping to possibly understand my automotive mechanical enginerring degree), I can trust myself and I know whats been done to it. It's why I bought the thing really, but I'm sure you know this anyway.
A little side note, do I have to buy special water for the cooling system? Or is tap water/anti freeze a fine mix? Also, any idea how many litres of anti freeze I'll want for the task of refilling?
People keep asking me why don't I get someone in, its cheaper, I learn from it (helping to possibly understand my automotive mechanical enginerring degree),
A little side note, do I have to buy special water for the cooling system? Or is tap water/anti freeze a fine mix? Also, any idea how many litres of anti freeze I'll want for the task of refilling?

it might have helped if you were doing an engineering degree 20 years ago, these days engineers tend not to get their hands on a spanner untill a computer has told them what to do

just fill it up with that ready mixed anti freeze - it's about 50/50 this weather if you have the concentrate
it might have helped if you were doing an engineering degree 20 years ago, these days engineers tend not to get their hands on a spanner untill a computer has told them what to do
Tell me about it mate, I love the hands on stuff, but when it comes to 2nd moment of area bending stress calculations or how a column changes in size during structural vibration, I long to have a spanner in my hand and oil on my overalls.
Ffs, a column is a column, and will always be its own length. Who cares.
Though designing a clutch for a strimmer was quite fun.

I went and bought pure antifreeze, whoops. I'll be having to drive the family CR-V down, last time I drove it, going past a defender, I waved and got THE most curious expression back. Forgot I was in a Jap 4x4.
I went and bought pure antifreeze, whoops. I'll be having to drive the family CR-V down, last time I drove it, going past a defender, I waved and got THE most curious expression back. Forgot I was in a Jap 4x4.

ay there's a bint in a 90 round here that keeps waving and flashing when i pass her, which is normally fine but when me missis is with me i'm sure she thinks it's me other woman waving and not just a fellow tractor owner
ay there's a bint in a 90 round here that keeps waving and flashing when i pass her, which is normally fine but when me missis is with me i'm sure she thinks it's me other woman waving and not just a fellow tractor owner

A bint eh? Maybe you should just try not having your full beams on all the time... :p
Just clicked on your profile, with the picture its all making a bit more sense. :D

ah the little green one is just fer sunday best, tis the blue un she waves at me in

Unfortunate irony that the spots could be construed as lolly pops to the average hoodied knife carrying 4 year old.

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