Is there any apps where i can use as a map to find green lanes?

Am sure there's been a few discussions on Landyzone about on line maps and their useage. Use the search tool at the top of the page to find them. You still aint going to find lanes near B'ham to challenge your truck without causing destruction. Suggest paynplays to get your jollies from.
Am sure there's been a few discussions on Landyzone about on line maps and their useage. Use the search tool at the top of the page to find them. You still aint going to find lanes near B'ham to challenge your truck without causing destruction. Suggest paynplays to get your jollies from.

True story :)

With a truck like that, i would think you would need to test your self at granby farm or buildwas.
Yeah heard about buildwas only ever been avon dsset abd coney green farm

Buildwas is popular, never been myself though.

Granby farm(wagtail) will definitely test your winch and your traction if thats what you want.
Buildwas used to be only on the first Sunday in every month but I haven't been for ages. Easy stuff there and traction, winch and snorkel testing sections too. Gets busy and snarled up sometimes as the day goes on. Well worth a visit if it is still in business. Try Muddy toad club who do 3 sites regularly around Stourport area including Coney Green Farm. Andy who runs it is a nice bloke. It's £20 per year then £20 per event but for that you are fully legal and insured. They are 3 good sites too.

Here's a link

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Last time i heard buildwas had closed down -

Nope Buildwas is very much open. It used to have a bad reputation for bangers and idiots with trailered motors but the new owner is apparently more responsible.

Wagtail or Granby farm is closed i think but the farmer(forget his name) will let a couple of vehicles on if he knows you. Think last time we were a bunch of 10 or so. You need to find someone with his number though, don't think i have it anymore.
The guy who owns the house at the top of the track has put up signs saying the hard surfaced track is a private lane and blocks it with his vehicle. He is saying the legal ROW is up the side of the farmers field which is basically on the other side of the hedgerow to the track. As you can imagine with the side of a field on a hill its only taken 6 months for deep ruts to appear. Its very slippy right now as well and soon normal landies going to start grounding out going up or down it. Cant imagine the farmers overly impressed with what has happened to his field.

OS maps shows the lane as the ROW. I have raised this with SCC to look at.

Buildwas was up for sale again I heard. To be honest it hasnt been maintained or looked after very well. You can also hire Hawkstone Park (Near Hodnet, Shropshire) off road site from Ash 4x4 and there is a new one at Whitchurch called Madely 4x4 but last time i was there you need winch and extreme muds really to get anywhere
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So it's not an official diversion anyway as yet then mate?
Signs are homemade. I have a feeling that the home owners may be correct though and its only last year signs went up and they started blocking it. Soon as I hear from SCC will post but not been holding my breath with this one.
Oddly enough had this reply back today . Wonder if they read these forums lol

The blue route highlighted on your plan is the line of the BOAT – we looked into the line recently following another inquiry. The route is within the field rather than along the newer track. This route was added to the Definitive Map under a Modification Order made in 1990 – proposed as a Bridleway but upgraded to a BOAT when confirmed by the Planning Inspectorate. The line on our digitised map (plan attached) reflects the line shown on the order map.[/QUOTE]

So the legal ROW is the field !!! so I expect once it gets too bad the landowner who owns the field and i think is the same person owns the drive and big house at the top will probably go oh look at the mess made by 4x4 can i close it please
So the legal ROW is the field !!! so I expect once it gets too bad the landowner who owns the field and i think is the same person owns the drive and big house at the top will probably go oh look at the mess made by 4x4 can i close it please
:( Probably mate.