Ill give it a miss 76 miles away for firm ground prefer more extreme

No probs Buddy. Think you have got the wrong idea about firm ground. Lanes with non firm base structure after recent rain would carve up n be ruined. Seasoned pay n play/green laners have done these lanes and had good days for years. As a matter of interest where would you go on Sunday?
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Round solihull henley anston cantlow back end of knowle plenty of muddy green lanes there and water
Round solihull henley anston cantlow back end of knowle plenty of muddy green lanes there and water

Please don't. :(

Those lanes you mention will be f&*ked after all this rain, they will only get worse if you drive them.

As responsible laners and people who want to protect our rights of way we should be looking to preserve them.

If you want extreme then go to a pay and pay site, greenlaning isn't about extreme or challenging.
No probs Buddy. Think you have got the wrong idea about firm ground. Lanes with non firm base structure after recent rain would carve up n be ruined. Seasoned pay n play/green laners have done these lanes and had good days for years. As a matter of interest where would you go on Sunday?

Ye Im same area so gonna have to give it a miss to mate sorry but a pay n play Sunday I think I'm going to do sibertoft is on I think
Round solihull henley anston cantlow back end of knowle plenty of muddy green lanes there and water

If those lanes are what you class as extreme then you would have been in for a right treat on Sunday. Uphill and downhill rock climbs. Water or bridge crossings where you can take your pick. Miles of lanes all close together. All anhour or so away. If you keep battering those lanes week after week they will soon become ruined. Did them a while ago and already there were. "Alterative routes" being made. I'd be careful if I were you. Just a friendly bit of advice.


If you read this dfb we will revert back to original plan before I decided to see if anyone else wanted to come along. Will pm you later
Please avoid the the one over the railway line at Stokesay castle (used to go up the lane but now blocked by a car with sign diverting you through a field) its a mess and you wont get up it unless you got lockers , extreme muds or a ground anchor. And if you do its going to screw it up even more.

Jacko looks good mate i like the red defender nice tool do you motorway it there or lanes as mines a rough ride after 50mph
Please avoid the the one over the railway line at Stokesay castle (used to go up the lane but now blocked by a car with sign diverting you through a field) its a mess and you wont get up it unless you got lockers , extreme muds or a ground anchor. And if you do its going to screw it up even more.


Never go near that one. Cheers for tip though.
Haven't been up there since the diversion Stu, what was idea behind it? The original route was firm going without problems. :confused: