Yes Im up for it - Ive texd a few other to let them know aswel

Anyone else want to join more than welcome - Meeting 7.30ish Solihull way
Stolen off drive last night in lapworth solihull it was fully kitted out for off roading see picture, they even smashed it passed my wife's car and mine to get it off the drive. Please look out for it or parts being offered.

Stolen off drive last night in lapworth solihull it was fully kitted out for off roading see picture, they even smashed it passed my wife's car and mine to get it off the drive. Please look out for it or parts being offered.

Sorry to hear that mate, will get the word out amongst us lot -
Stolen off drive last night in lapworth solihull it was fully kitted out for off roading see picture, they even smashed it passed my wife's car and mine to get it off the drive. Please look out for it or parts being offered.


****ers :mad:

Gutted for you bud. Will keep an eye out for you by me.

Have you got a facebook link or anything and ill share it.
Thanks everyone for the support on here and sharing on facebook (mark harwood) and ive put it on future4x4 facebook. All it needs is someone to spot it (with false plates) or hear of some parts going cheap and (dont be tempted as it could be yours next), so lets find these bastards and do us all a favour.
Police have said its either in bits by now with the bits sold to the unsuspecting 4x4 community or in a container ready for Africa.
Just paid £450 to get it through the MOT and had a few more bits added since the picture so well and truly gutted.​
Boo! Going out with a few tonight if anyone wants to pop along - Staying localish, solihull, henley, cantlow way.
Oi lads...not seeing many of you buying tickets for the LZ 10 bash . It's not far from you .....theres laning, p&p, beer and chat, disco and loads of members auto jumble.....come on great to see you all there
Im up for a thurs nite laning trip round birmingham, i just live l1.15 away so gotta make it worth my time,
Went out monday just gone - no set day now
will put on here when were out next. keep an eye on the thread chaps / chappies.
Most lads went to wales over weekend and spent 2 days there laning - let me see if i can can anyone out tonight for couple local lanes. brb
Ere fellas,

Did you all write or email your MP's? do you know we may lose the right to drive green lanes?

I see your out regularly on the lanes around solihull etc. Do you know that all those lanes could be shut by october this year if the walkers get there way in court?

It takes just 15 minutes of your day to email your MP and we've done the hard work for you. Just copy the format of the letter, change some wording and then add some points of your own.

Ignore the waffle and go to post 53 for what to do.

If you don't write an email will you moan about how the walkers took away our lanes?

Just 15 minutes chaps.

Thanks :)
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