Am loving the holier than thou attitude.

I asked for advice (to which some guys really helped out)

That is what this sites for, yes/no????????
Only to have some random fool put his two pence worth in.
So yes in my opinion he is a cock.
As for all the vultures sat on the fence, grow some balls.
You wouldn't sit in the street and slag me off. So why when your behind a computer screen???
Ps found some belters last night.
Tha just need's a map :)

I can assure you I would happily sit in the street and slag you off if you behaved as you did on here in RL, but then some of us are the same here and in real life, I get the feeling your are a complete cock knocker in RL too so in that way, I 'spose we have something in common. I feel all dirty now and need to shower:eek:
Ps. No wonder every one is driving on green lanes that they shouldn't be.
Especially when no one will tell them were the legal ones are.
You know, investing in the future of green laning
Not really Helping the cause, to keep the lanes open really is it lads :)
Ps. No wonder every one is driving on green lanes that they shouldn't be.
Especially when no one will tell them were the legal ones are.
You know, investing in the future of green laning
Not really Helping the cause, to keep the lanes open really is it lads :)

Who taught you grammar, or more precisely who neglected to teach you grammar?

Further into this thread and I honestly think I shouldn't have helped.

You, Chipsnegg, really do appear somewhat akin to a complete dickwad with no thought for what people have already done for you. You have scant regard for the effort put in to find lanes that are driveable and legal .. If you don't like what people reply to you then please, feckoff to someplace else. You probably won't fit in here if all you want is people to spoon-feed you information .. most of us put a lot of effort into our hobby and don't need feckwits, or dickwads or however I care to think of you, slagging us and the forum and other people off.

I can assure you that if we were face to face I'd say exactly the same thing, but probably more forcefully 'cos this ain't Anything Goes ..
Ps. No wonder every one is driving on green lanes that they shouldn't be.
Especially when no one will tell them were the legal ones are.
You know, investing in the future of green laning
Not really Helping the cause, to keep the lanes open really is it lads :)

You really have no idea of whats going on here do you?

I'm not going to start a slagging match or anything here, I had similar thoughts when I was a noob on here and remember having a big argument with someone over a silly thing, I got over it and kept using the forum. I asked the exact same question when I joined and got the same answer, I looked into it, got my OS maps, went out with a few local people and got to understand whats what when it comes to laning.

The reason we dont give lanes out to anyone is there are alot of dicks out there, were not saying your one but we simply dont know who you are. We are genuine enthusiasts of the sport and not out for a quick sunday tear up. We want to keep the lanes open, it takes hundreds if not thousands of peoples work to keep them open each year and we dont want to risk closing more lanes. We DO invest in the future of green laning, we have members on here who go out of there way to physically repair lanes inorder to keep them open, thats more investment than most will put in to thier own **** let alone a public path!

So if you want to learn proper green laning take the original advice, read the threads provided, meet up with some local people and learn the correct way to lane, you will be suprised how much more than running down some muddy paths there is to find out about this sport.

Now hopefully you can build a bridge and get over it, come join the rest of us and have a laugh.

P.S. your previous post of LZ is here for help and advice, its actually a community and not a guidebook, you get back what you put in...
You really have no idea of whats going on here do you?

I'm not going to start a slagging match or anything here, I had similar thoughts when I was a noob on here and remember having a big argument with someone over a silly thing, I got over it and kept using the forum. I asked the exact same question when I joined and got the same answer, I looked into it, got my OS maps, went out with a few local people and got to understand whats what when it comes to laning.

The reason we dont give lanes out to anyone is there are alot of dicks out there, were not saying your one but we simply dont know who you are. We are genuine enthusiasts of the sport and not out for a quick sunday tear up. We want to keep the lanes open, it takes hundreds if not thousands of peoples work to keep them open each year and we dont want to risk closing more lanes. We DO invest in the future of green laning, we have members on here who go out of there way to physically repair lanes inorder to keep them open, thats more investment than most will put in to thier own **** let alone a public path!

So if you want to learn proper green laning take the original advice, read the threads provided, meet up with some local people and learn the correct way to lane, you will be suprised how much more than running down some muddy paths there is to find out about this sport.

Now hopefully you can build a bridge and get over it, come join the rest of us and have a laugh.

P.S. your previous post of LZ is here for help and advice, its actually a community and not a guidebook, you get back what you put in...

+1 :praise:
Big ginger beard.
You my friend, are a cock.
How do you ever get on in life???
What about helping your fellow man and all that?? We do have the same interests after all
I bet your the kind of guy who'd drive past a stuck motorist laughing.
Well let's hope you never need advice or experience from anybody else.

FFS, you dont get it do you :rolleyes: Peeps spend a fortune in time, money and effort... people dont give them away readily ya know.... We on this forum are all for helpin your fellow man as you put it... but there is a way to go about it and slaggin off a member on here cos he wont give you what you want aint it.

You are better off keepin an eye on the green lanin section as said previously and put your name on a trip.. that way you get to meet the so called cocks of this forum and at the end will realise you have acted like a prick.
Ps. No wonder every one is driving on green lanes that they shouldn't be.
Especially when no one will tell them were the legal ones are.
You know, investing in the future of green laning
Not really Helping the cause, to keep the lanes open really is it lads :)

Well done, your a fully quailified dick.
I'm a newbie here I've driven some green lanes near me. Waiting for a local group so I can tag along learn a few skills by listening to others and watching them **** it up. Once you get past the "veteran" members giving you crap they are all nice guys best thing you can do is open up and push for a bit of crap get it all out the way. They all push you on here so when it comes down to trust when trying to rescue their pride and joy they can. If you can't take a bit of **** taking or in this case an honest response don't go off the black stuff and get stuck.
I'm a newbie here I've driven some green lanes near me. Waiting for a local group so I can tag along learn a few skills by listening to others and watching them **** it up. Once you get past the "veteran" members giving you crap they are all nice guys best thing you can do is open up and push for a bit of crap get it all out the way. They all push you on here so when it comes down to trust when trying to rescue their pride and joy they can. If you can't take a bit of **** taking or in this case an honest response don't go off the black stuff and get stuck.

One minor prob with that - we cant see where you are. Change yo UserCP to show wherabouts yu are based.
This is one of the only forums where most folk will tell you as it is. What you see is what you get.
We've all got bags of laning experience, seen all the newbs come and go. Same old questions, but we all still have a giggle, still enjoy getting together and planning trips and all help each other out.

We just don't take no attitude or abuse.

So just be yourself and be original.
To all you haters. Keep hating
To all those that gave me good advice. Thank you very much.
I have now armed my self with a few maps and a local guide :)
and my new goal now is to find said lanes and make them public knowledge.
You know Help my fellow man and all that.
Ps Me and ferrets will find em all :)

Dare I ask if im ok to go up chaplegate now it's re-opened.
we all had to start some were join in with the banter dount take it to heart use the search button if you cant find it then ask theres a hell of alot of good members on here when you get to know them
To all you haters. Keep hating
To all those that gave me good advice. Thank you very much.
I have now armed my self with a few maps and a local guide :)
and my new goal now is to find said lanes and make them public knowledge.
You know Help my fellow man and all that.
Ps Me and ferrets will find em all :)

Dare I ask if im ok to go up chaplegate now it's re-opened.

Make em public? Wot are they now then secret? Theres a nice big map with all the rights of way on. Your local row officer has it. He might even show it to ya.
If you go shouting from the rooftops where all these lanes are then you've got graspes what folk are saying. If there was a list of lanes on the internef for any tom dick or harry to read you'd get every **** with a 4x4 blasting about on em, thus ruining it for everyone else.

Take note of what you are being told, its for a reason! Their not telling you fairy tales!!
I thought noob shooting season was over for this year. Yet we have a late entry. :D :D

I think we have a thread like this on average every two to three months now, becoming quite common.

Noob wants lanes, we say here's how to do it, noob throws a tantrum as he's too f'kin lazy to go find them, slags off a helpful member and then gets shot down.......

......and so we go round again. :rofl:

You know what? i've been on here 3yrs and still not had any abuse, must be cause i'm nicer than the rest of ya:D
If you class your old dear as a sheep, then I'm guilty.
To all you haters. Keep hating
To all those that gave me good advice. Thank you very much.
I have now armed my self with a few maps and a local guide :)
and my new goal now is to find said lanes and make them public knowledge.
You know Help my fellow man and all that.
Ps Me and ferrets will find em all :)

Dare I ask if im ok to go up chaplegate now it's re-opened.

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