If you cooked yourself some dinner??
I'm not asking for your dinner or indeed anything that BELONGS to you
I was asking if people knew of a few lanes.
You know these same lanes that everybody who pays car tax is entitled to drive.
Nuttier than a squirrels turd I'm afraid you are.
And if you see me out and about. Up the peak district (B844 CHL) black defender CSW can't miss it. It says chipsnegg all over it.
Please Do come over and say hello. Remember to introduce yourself with your user name that you use on here :)

Its not the belonging that matters its the effort involved, cooking dinner or fi ding lanes but your too thick to realise. And you say the peaks where abouts. Lived in belper fo a bit but it were ****.
Hey, if your gonna try and bully some 1. And talk to them like something you'd stood in (which I'm guessing you'd actually never really do) I'd like for you to know who I was so you could come over and try bully me in person.
Your like children. I'll find me lanes with or with out you.
And again thank you to the genuine guys who DID help :)

Who you are?? Like your summit special?? Is yer dad big etc etc too?
there's a cracker in Morcambe. but it's one of those where ya wanna go alone to enjoy the solitude. Lovely views of the Bay anorl.. :D
I see the LIONS DEN has been awakened again :mil26:, soppy bugger !, being polite when speaking to people you don't know goes an awful long way , especially on this forum you upset 1 you upset em all !!! , lots of people have worked hard for the knowledge of where and when lanes can be used and the trust these boy's AND GIRL'S ( before i get it told off myself ) have gained by land owners is not just given away to all and sundry , it only takes 1 muppet to spoil what they have hard worked for ,
Hey, whatever
Looks like I came to the wrong place.
I wasnt expecting you all to be pricks, but your choice.
I suppose every walk of life has them.
Why would the 4x4 world be any different.
Hey, whatever
Looks like I came to the wrong place.
I wasnt expecting you all to be pricks, but your choice.
I suppose every walk of life has them.
Why would the 4x4 world be any different.

Who would have thought it a forum full of pricks and you the only sane reasonable one on here. Makes ya wonder doesn't it??? :rolleyes: :rolleyes::multiply:
Hey, whatever
Looks like I came to the wrong place.
I wasnt expecting you all to be pricks, but your choice.
I suppose every walk of life has them.
Why would the 4x4 world be any different.

Everyone is wrong except you that exactly what it is. Everybodys wrong.
Hey, you little puppets wind your necks in. If you don't have any thing constructive to say. Don't say any thing at all.
Am sure mummy will be shouting you soon for school.
Don't forget teacher said you can bring board games to school Today.
Ps Gibb8686 everytime your lass sits down. She needs planning permission of the council.
Hey, you little puppets wind your necks in. If you don't have any thing constructive to say. Don't say any thing at all.
Am sure mummy will be shouting you soon for school.
Don't forget teacher said you can bring board games to school Today.
Ps Gibb8686 everytime your lass sits down. She needs planning permission of the council.

we are all marching out of step with mummy's little soldier, aren't we dear?

Mate you are a cock knocker of the highest order and feel it necessary to resort to the implied threat of physical intimidation to get your message over, grow up pal and please go and find another forum to play on, this one isn't really right for you.

P.S you aren't Fizzycunt in another reincarnation are you?
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Wow this is still going? Chipnegg ur a cnut. Stop mouthing off people tried to be nice you acted like a cock. People told you the reasons you didn't get it. Now threats? Feel free to pop round my way mate lets see how awesome ur ****ty old banger is. It wasn't yellow before was it?
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Wow this is still going? Chipnegg ur a cnut. Stop mouthing off people tried to be nice you acted like a cock. People told you the reasons you didn't get it. Now threats? Feel free to pop round my way mate lets see how awesome ur ****ty old banger is. It wasn't yellow before was it?

You might wanna edit yer post.....just so ratty dunt get confused who to yell at later when he's slept off the latest chip binge :D
Hey, you little puppets wind your necks in. If you don't have any thing constructive to say. Don't say any thing at all.

Oh the irony ...

Am sure mummy will be shouting you soon for school.
Don't forget teacher said you can bring board games to school Today.
Ps Gibb8686 everytime your lass sits down. She needs planning permission of the council.

If we're all such cocks, why bother?

Just **** off.

End of.
there's a cracker in Morcambe. but it's one of those where ya wanna go alone to enjoy the solitude. Lovely views of the Bay anorl.. :D

There's two good ones across the bay at Morecambe, give him the locations of those and see how fast he can drive. :pound:
Don't think I can be bothered to read any more of this Chip blokes childish rubbish.
Hey, you little puppets wind your necks in. If you don't have any thing constructive to say. Don't say any thing at all.
Am sure mummy will be shouting you soon for school.
Don't forget teacher said you can bring board games to school Today.
Ps Gibb8686 everytime your lass sits down. She needs planning permission of the council.

When your this wrong it takes comitment. Your obvious very dedicated to being a chomper and doing well. Carry on. Its entertaining.

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