Why not let other folk know where they are?? (It's not a government secret)
Is that not just been as stubborn as the bobble hats??
if more people used them, We'd have the advantage and power of numbers to keep lanes open. (just like the walkers, cyclist and horse riders are doing to us now.

And what's up lads. Never made it up to the school bully status?? So you've got to do it when your grown men.??

A fair amount of your past replys are just hating on people.
Are you frustrated?? Not getting it out of you at work???
Try Prozac. Always worked for me :)
Chipsnegg tha knows
Ps. When I've made loads of replys on here and I'm of grand status
Can I too be a cock?? Please please
O I do want to be a cock.
Why not let other folk know where they are?? (It's not a government secret)
Is that not just been as stubborn as the bobble hats??
if more people used them, We'd have the advantage and power of numbers to keep lanes open. (just like the walkers, cyclist and horse riders are doing to us now.

And what's up lads. Never made it up to the school bully status?? So you've got to do it when your grown men.??

A fair amount of your past replys are just hating on people.
Are you frustrated?? Not getting it out of you at work???
Try Prozac. Always worked for me :)
Chipsnegg tha knows
Not bullying. If i cooked me self some dinner and you asked for some ill tell ya no. Then i research and check lanes and you ask for em, i tell ya no. If you sed i wanna go laning any one mind if i tag along? Youd get at least three yes's , some instant new mates and someo e to tak photos, laugh at yer wen ya stuck and a tow out. Maybe beer or tea would follow that and sharing of anicdotes of your days driving. Dont that sound nice?

But ya been a cock. So we call you a cock. Good luck with that.
How come I'm new and no one is calling me a cock? Wanna know my secret? Read my last post DON'T ASK FOR GREEN LANE LOCATIONS. Go mind them but don't let x3 driving chavs know the location or they will spank up and down the lanes run some-one over and get all vehicles banned from going green lanning. So what people do is find out who they are letting copy the os maps.
Snowy - yu ain't a noob any more..... Yu is a "senior" member now.

I think that's a polite way of saying "old cock" ;).
Oi chipNeggs. do ya know why chaplegate was closed in the first place??

Because it was too well known AND TOO POPULAR. Consequently it got thrashed so the Council closed it.

Is the light coming on yet? Could it possibly be, that we don't want all the lanes we know. To become like Chaplegate.

Have a think about it. As you've said you don't need us to tell you. Just buy an OS map and have a look for the lanes. Bur some of the best lanes I've driven aren't BOATS.. They're summat else.. But I int telling a cock like you how to find them. :D

OH by the way You is now nominated as LZ's C*nt of the year.. Congrats..
If you cooked yourself some dinner??
I'm not asking for your dinner or indeed anything that BELONGS to you
I was asking if people knew of a few lanes.
You know these same lanes that everybody who pays car tax is entitled to drive.
Nuttier than a squirrels turd I'm afraid you are.
And if you see me out and about. Up the peak district (B844 CHL) black defender CSW can't miss it. It says chipsnegg all over it.
Please Do come over and say hello. Remember to introduce yourself with your user name that you use on here :)
If you cooked yourself some dinner??
I'm not asking for your dinner or indeed anything that BELONGS to you
I was asking if people knew of a few lanes.
You know these same lanes that everybody who pays car tax is entitled to drive.
So nice to see that you've taken our comments onboard I can't think why peeps aren't quing up to give you deytails of lanes they've driven.

Nuttier than a squirrels turd I'm afraid you are.
Self analysis is always good.
And if you see me out and about. Up the peak district (B844 CHL) black defender CSW can't miss it. It says chipsnegg all over it.
Please Do come over and say hello. Remember to introduce yourself with your user name that you use on here :)
Grow up FFS. you rant on about peeps been knobs and then throw the whole look at me I'm harder than you ****e. If we ever meet.. I'm a nasty evil fooking axe murderer. wiv a panchant for collecting me victims knee caps. :mad2:
So nice to see that you've taken our comments onboard I can't think why peeps aren't quing up to give you deytails of lanes they've driven.

Self analysis is always good.
Grow up FFS. you rant on about peeps been knobs and then throw the whole look at me I'm harder than you ****e. If we ever meet.. I'm a nasty evil fooking axe murderer. wiv a panchant for collecting me victims knee caps. :mad2:

**** off you can't kill him till u've emptied my tank :D:D
Hey, if your gonna try and bully some 1. And talk to them like something you'd stood in (which I'm guessing you'd actually never really do) I'd like for you to know who I was so you could come over and try bully me in person.
Your like children. I'll find me lanes with or with out you.
And again thank you to the genuine guys who DID help :)
Hey, if your gonna try and bully some 1. And talk to them like something you'd stood in (which I'm guessing you'd actually never really do) I'd like for you to know who I was so you could come over and try bully me in person.
Your like children. I'll find me lanes with or with out you.
And again thank you to the genuine guys who DID help :)

Ur the only one trying to do any bullying on this thread with ur nasty reaction to not getting ur own way, and the false threats

With ur superior "I'm harder than you, even though I haven't got a clue who you are." you just come across as some spoilt knob with a big gob..
Hey quick guys. I've just read a post about which are the best Tyres for my discovery.
If you all hurry on over you can rip **** out of him. And gang up and do a bit of good honest bullying.
Hey quick guys. I've just read a post about which are the best Tyres for my discovery.
If you all hurry on over you can rip **** out of him. And gang up and do a bit of good honest bullying.

Why would we want to do that ?
Hey quick guys. I've just read a post about which are the best Tyres for my discovery.
If you all hurry on over you can rip **** out of him. And gang up and do a bit of good honest bullying.

Didn't take you long to spot an opportunity did it..
Hey quick guys. I've just read a post about which are the best Tyres for my discovery.
If you all hurry on over you can rip **** out of him. And gang up and do a bit of good honest bullying.

There is ladies on this forum anorl ya know... not just guys :rolleyes:
Hey quick guys. I've just read a post about which are the best Tyres for my discovery.
If you all hurry on over you can rip **** out of him. And gang up and do a bit of good honest bullying.

It's a form of initiation, anyone with half a brain will join in and fight back after they figure out what this place is all about. You're not beyond redemption mate, take a step back, re read this thread, and start again


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