Someone break this jokers head wand so he cant type anymore :D

Laning on your own is boring plus it can end in tears, much better to go in a group, have a laugh and socialise but as you have the personality of a dead rabbit then you are probably not a 'mixer'
Well I can understand the nomination for C##t of the year, a very valid nomination, BOB you haz got competition:p:p:p:p:p:p:p

Having said that a user name of Chipsnegg says a lot, obviarsely a bit backward:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

EVERYBODY knows it should be Egg n chips:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

That is all:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Yep that's the one and the views of Morcambe as you look back are amazing

must be cos it's the last thing ya likely to see..
. :D

Yebbut, it gets bumpy at the Chinese section ...

Ripping the **** out of the unfortunate cockle pickers.
Don't think I'd wanna class people like that as a friend.
Very grown up behaviour
2 words.
Ripping the **** out of the unfortunate cockle pickers.
Don't think I'd wanna class people like that as a friend.
Very grown up behaviour
2 words.

Nope, not a warrior at all, that's Steve ... ;)

I already know I don't, let alone don't want to, class you as a friend. You're too hot-headed and quick to snap back at those who DID help you, but simply can't (won't, maybe) see it or the reasons behind it, which smacks of the sort of crass stupidity and blinkered thinking I generally disassociate myself from.
Ripping the **** out of the unfortunate cockle pickers.
Don't think I'd wanna class people like that as a friend.
Very grown up behaviour
2 words.

Oh of couRse. And you are trolling. But wotever passes the time.
I dunt mean to hijack the thread but I've taken all the advice given. (I'm a newbie)
Bought me sen a couple of maps. And had a go. It's suprising easily to find em :)
Google is a friend lol.
And whilst I was out last I met a few blokes who helped out massively.
These kinda guys, if they see you at least Out and about trying are more likely to be helpfull.
And whilst I was out last I met a few blokes who helped out massively.
These kinda guys, if they see you at least Out and about trying are more likely to be helpfull.

I wouldn't have the Landy circle of friends I have today if it wasn't for exactly what you've just mentioned above.

Come a long way over the last 2 years. :D
Don't forget to not go on your own :).

Ooops (I'm guilty) I wa itching to try her out lol
You see I'm the only guy where I live who has a landrover, nobody else seems to have 1 :(
In my defence I did tek a farm jack and associated straps, mobile phone D"links etc.
And always got out and walked of any potential tricky parts.
But sound advice when you actually think about it.
Especially if you were unfortunate enough to roll it over and hurt yourself.

Infact thinking on. Bad move on my part :(
Ooops (I'm guilty) I wa itching to try her out lol
You see I'm the only guy where I live who has a landrover, nobody else seems to have 1 :(
In my defence I did tek a farm jack and associated straps, mobile phone D"links etc.
And always got out and walked of any potential tricky parts.
But sound advice when you actually think about it.
Especially if you were unfortunate enough to roll it over and hurt yourself.

Infact thinking on. Bad move on my part :(

Click on usercp on the bottom row of the banner and put your location in, roughly, not address! Someone will almost always go with you if you ask. Check out the greenlaning forum for local runs ..
Chipsnegg - ive had my fair share of abuse on other forums (not on LZ - yet lol) and i know how you feel so heres some more honest advice! Get on internet and find people like landrangers website etc - local enthusisats who make a living out of it and know all the local lanes and in some cases private lanes!!! Ive done a few days out for about £30/40 so once youve included food + drink + petrol (v8) for 2 ppl is about £100!!!!

That is NOTHING compared to the damage that could be done to your landy going on your own on unknown lanes! Then the time it takes to find the lanes and make sure the lanes are legal and then take into account £1000 fines if your found on illegal lanes - £100 is a cheap day out.

Ive only been on a few days but made some great friends who have helped me out of some muddy situations and some mechanical situations when i begin a job and dont have the parts! I do what i can to help them aswell - like someone said previously, you get out what you put in!

But in the mean time - practice what you preach and share these belting lanes youve found lol - im trying to find some local lanes to go down tomorrow and i know its a nightmare so what youve found will be great!

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