In the spirit of LZ, Mrs Snifflebag will be making a small number of cakes, similar to Salisbury meet, just fewer of them :D
Don't forget my P38, although it does have an MOT due just before this trip...

Sounds like we might have a P38 convention at this rate! Clarky, are you bringing yours, or your other thing?
Yer welcome to bring yer caravan to my place........Tis easy to get to.......Look :D

:eek: - think my old man would rip my pods off if I did that to his nice shiny caravan....

If your field is get-to-able without any of those shenanigans, I may take you up on your kind offer... would be looking to camp Fri & Sat night, making a weekend of it with the Mrs & Brats... and caravan will be well stocked with booze... :)

Guy, think I'll be bringing the Disco - it's already got a towbar on it for starters, and I don't mind getting it scratched up. Plus, my P38 seems to have been getting progressively more poorly since Salisbury... :mad:

On that note Boomer, can you add me to the 'confirmed' (subject to donation) list and I shall cast my lot as soon as the linky appears.
:eek: - think my old man would rip my pods off if I did that to his nice shiny caravan....

If your field is get-to-able without any of those shenanigans, I may take you up on your kind offer... would be looking to camp Fri & Sat night, making a weekend of it with the Mrs & Brats... and caravan will be well stocked with booze... :)

Guy, think I'll be bringing the Disco - it's already got a towbar on it for starters, and I don't mind getting it scratched up. Plus, my P38 seems to have been getting progressively more poorly since Salisbury... :mad:

On that note Boomer, can you add me to the 'confirmed' (subject to donation) list and I shall cast my lot as soon as the linky appears.

I may be able to sort out an easier route :D

It's about 1hr from the start and 40mins from the finish. I'll be there on the Fri and Sat and all are welcome.

Meeting with Bommer to discuss plans to hopefully throw a bit of a social gathering on the Sat night but it's early days yet.
We've finally heard back from the charity and therefore we can confirm that we have an ohfacial green light to raise money for Make-A-Wish Foundation UK on The Great Dorset Chip Run Part Deux.

There will be a separate thread set up in a mo with a link to the JustGiving site for those of you who wish to come along to make your charitable donations, many thanks! :)
So are peeps that are goin on the trip payin on the just givin site through choice or for definite to get on the trip?? :confused:

And also how will yu know who has paid and who hasnt ?? :D

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