Just found out an hour ago that my best friend found her previously fit and well mum dead when they went round for tea tonight. :(

It kind of puts all things into perspective for me and makes you understand what's important and whats not in life.

What is important to me is the comradeship, friendship , support and help not to mention the laughs I've had from LZ since I joined :)

I have sent Boomer a PM and he has graciously replied and for that I thank him:)

I have also sent a PM to the ind ( through Boomer ) who offered to pay my donation :)

I would like it to be known that there will be NO cakes for sale on the Chippie Run, however there will be free cake available to all who will be attending and that includes myself :)

Thanks to all who have put up with my demented wailing of a madwoman- normal service is hereby resumed :)
I'm not making the same mistake twice :eek: so here's a few more pointers to keep you all 'in the loop':

We're hoping to have the JustGiving link up and running in a week or so once I've recieved written confirmation from Make A Wish Foundation that the event is 'ohfacially' registered with them.

We shall then also have the use of the Make A Wish logo as well as various stickers/publicity material etc that they will supply.

When you are able to make your donation please can you include your name, LZ forum name and your vehicle registration so we can cross reference donations to those names on the list.

Please dont fret if you cannot donate right away and need a little time (even I may need a little time, got MOT and tax this month :eek:) as I have a separate list with all your names listed in order - nobody will get forgotten and miss out although if we do end up with a reserves list in the coming months I may need to ask you to confirm whether you are coming or not so other people who are patiently waiting may be given the opportunity to participate. ;)

The total number of vehicles that will be participating on the day will be provisionally capped at sixty and be run in ten groups of a maximum of six vehicles.

We're now totalling forty vehicles including the core team which will leave twenty spaces available.

The number of people that can attend on the day is entirely dependant on there being sufficient group leaders, I currently have nine and would like to have twelve people that are capable of leading groups so we have the cover in case somebody falls ill or has an urgent personal crisis.

If we do run the full sixty vehicles we are going to be raising a fantastic £1500 for the charity, are there any other ways in which we can boost this further?

It's already been mentioned in an earlier post about maybe gaining some form of corporate sponsorship or maybe auctioning off spare seats for the charity:
  • Do you know a business local to you that may be interested in sponsoring you or having some advertising on your vehicle for the day?
  • Would you be willing to auction off a spare seat in your vehicle and what would be the best way of doing this?
Have you got any suggestions regarding raising more money for the charity?

I'm also looking into having some special 'Monte Carlo rally' style plaques made up to attach to the front of the cars with the charity logo/Chip Run/etc printed on them so we know who's who on the day and we don't get any gatecrashers, although a slitty shouldn't be too hard to spot :rolleyes:

It'll also help the public indentify those who are involved with the charity as it will be publicised before the big day so local people are aware that we are legitimate, responsible people in 4x4s raising money for charity and not cowboys ripping up the countryside ;)

It'll also be a nice souvinier thingy for you to keep to say 'I was part of that' :)

There will be no further cost to you if I get these plaques made up, it will come out of my own pocket if I can afford it.

The chip kiosk at West Bay is quite excited at the prospect of catering for us all again at the end of the day but due to the sheer numbers arriving have asked if they can offer a more 'basic' choice on the menu so they can cope with demand and minimise any delay (that'll please Ratty :D).

It is also hoped that we may be able to persuade West Bay council to allocate us an area to park up in as a group for safety to ourselves and others, much like they do with the weekly bikers meets.

The official meeting point has yet to be decided and will be PMd to you nearer the date of the trip and will be as close to the first lane as we can but will be mainly determined by space available as there could be a lot of us!

We are intending to get the day off to a brisk start as it will be a full days laning.
On arrival at the meeting point you will be 'booked in' to a group and as soon as that group amounts to six vehicles you'll be moving out - there will be two routes planned so we can avoid using the more delicate droves in the event of wet conditions, all other tracks are driveable 'year round'.

We will not be able to accomodate requests to be in certain groups and there will not be time for an hours gossip at the start of the day unless you get your arses out of bed early enough to do this - there'll be plenty of time for that over chips at the end of what we hope will be an extremely memorable, safe and above all, FUN day.

I know some of you may feel that this is all rather anal and overkill but it is only fair to keep you up to speed on what to expect - it was proven on the original Chip Run that a large proportion of its success was down to thorough planning and Part Deux will be no different, a lot of you are travelling a long way (and at no small expense either).
There is no compromise on our part as a group in the planning but it is down to each and every one of us as Landyzoners to pull together and make it a success. :)

I'm going to bed now, will look forward to the abuse later :p:p:rofl::D:D
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Just found out an hour ago that my best friend found her previously fit and well mum dead when they went round for tea tonight. :(

It kind of puts all things into perspective for me and makes you understand what's important and whats not in life.

What is important to me is the comradeship, friendship , support and help not to mention the laughs I've had from LZ since I joined :)

I have sent Boomer a PM and he has graciously replied and for that I thank him:)

I have also sent a PM to the ind ( through Boomer ) who offered to pay my donation :)

I would like it to be known that there will be NO cakes for sale on the Chippie Run, however there will be free cake available to all who will be attending and that includes myself :)

Thanks to all who have put up with my demented wailing of a madwoman- normal service is hereby resumed :)

Does that mean I'll get a chocolate cake now?? ;):p:D

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