Cheers Tazz/Dom/Sprog/Beasty and everybody for keeping up the support!

Dom it's great that you'd like to step up to leading a group, top man!

Beasty, 'they' were unable to attend on the day but wished to make a donation anyway and offered 110woman their place instead, all paid up, although perhaps it would be nice if this extremely kind gesture could be acknowledged personally by the lady herself?

And Zan, if you'd like to come along you're most welcome and bring yer camera!

Sorry if this reads badly, using my non tapatalk fone and it's not easy!
Been pondering........again :rolleyes:

We haven't had much uptake of the trip from the shiny Freelander/Range Rover peeps have we, the trip does cater for ALL types of Land Rover ;)

Would you please add one shiny P38 to the listing?

A PM with an idiot's guide on how to donate the cash would be appreciated.

Could somebody tell 110W, when she's stopped sobbing, that I would like the same cake deal as Ratty - two cakes, any kind @ cost plus £10.

Spare bedroom with double bed and a couch in the lounge available in smoker's house in Bristol on the Friday & Saturday. Dogs welcome, kids if you must! About 2 hours to Poole, dinner for non-fussy eaters, choice of breakfast - tea or coffee.
Would you please add one shiny P38 to the listing?

A PM with an idiot's guide on how to donate the cash would be appreciated.

Could somebody tell 110W, when she's stopped sobbing, that I would like the same cake deal as Ratty - two cakes, any kind @ cost plus £10.

Spare bedroom with double bed and a couch in the lounge available in smoker's house in Bristol on the Friday & Saturday. Dogs welcome, kids if you must! About 2 hours to Poole, dinner for non-fussy eaters, choice of breakfast - tea or coffee.
i am moveing in with you
Would you please add one shiny P38 to the listing?

A PM with an idiot's guide on how to donate the cash would be appreciated.

Could somebody tell 110W, when she's stopped sobbing, that I would like the same cake deal as Ratty - two cakes, any kind @ cost plus £10.

Spare bedroom with double bed and a couch in the lounge available in smoker's house in Bristol on the Friday & Saturday. Dogs welcome, kids if you must! About 2 hours to Poole, dinner for non-fussy eaters, choice of breakfast - tea or coffee.

How many LZers can you fit in your house ?? :D

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