Everyone turning up on the station forecourt (what a picture) sounds like fun ill make sure I'm first in the que next time. + have a great time everyone :D
i thought we were goin to dorset,not the bolivian rain forest challenge;)

Most of that is always in my landy:eek:

Did I forget to mention jump leads and extensions, battery tester, power probe, high lift, trolley jack, bottle jack grease gun, copper grease, gas stove, urn
Most of that is always in my landy:eek:

Did I forget to mention jump leads and extensions, battery tester, power probe, high lift, trolley jack, bottle jack grease gun, copper grease, gas stove, urn

complete fail- you forgot the tin opener and the thingy for getting stones out of horses hooves! :p
Can I blag some seats on chippie run- in exchange for warm water to wash with
And then there's the spare td5 throttle pot, thermostat, hose set, brake pads, steering bars, nuts, bolts, screws, bulbs, wiper arm, swiper spindles, jate rings, mini shovel, etc.:eek:

don't forget the pontoon bridge on the roof rack, so we can drive over you when you've sunk into the mud with all the weight!:D:p
don't forget the pontoon bridge on the roof rack, so we can drive over you when you've sunk into the mud with all the weight!:D:p

The extra weight usually aids with recovering vehicles bogged in snow or mud.;)
Does this mean that you're OK and will be making your own way there?

Hi DogsBody- yes I'm feeling better, caravan is almost ready to go
(step dad helped) I haven't got the week long headache at moment and I'm feeling tired but haven't had anything worse So far.

Thank you for your kind offer- I'm looking forward to a drink and some banter with everyone.
Hi DogsBody- yes I'm feeling better, caravan is almost ready to go
(step dad helped) I haven't got the week long headache at moment and I'm feeling tired but haven't had anything worse So far.

Thank you for your kind offer- I'm looking forward to a drink and some banter with everyone.

Great to hear.
The extra weight usually aids with recovering vehicles bogged in snow or mud.;)

i know mate, i'm joking ;) hopefully we won't need much in the way of recovery gear. mind you, the rate people are breaking down before we've even got there, we might need all of it!!
i know mate, i'm joking ;) hopefully we won't need much in the way of recovery gear. mind you, the rate people are breaking down before we've even got there, we might need all of it!!

Fingers crossed we won't. Remembering where I squeezed each item in can often be 'interesting':eek::D

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