Was chatting to a someone at work today 'bout the trip and mentioned that it was also raising nearly a grand for chariddy, mate. But I couldn't flippin remember the name of the charity or what they actually do for the kids :eek:
I aint going to make it, just had a bolt shear off in my cylinder head , i aint got the tools or the money to fix it until december, i'm so ****ing ****ed off :mad::mad:
I aint going to make it, just had a bolt shear off in my cylinder head , i aint got the tools or the money to fix it until december, i'm so ****ing ****ed off :mad::mad:

ya fooking muppet! fancy working on ya landy just before a laning trip :monitor_punch:

On the bright side more cake for me :D

& I suppose for the sake of been nice I shud ask which bolt it is that's snapped and where abouts you are. As I have a set of SP stud extractors.
ya fooking muppet! fancy working on ya landy just before a laning trip :monitor_punch:

On the bright side more cake for me :D

& I suppose for the sake of been nice I shud ask which bolt it is that's snapped and where abouts you are. As I have a set of SP stud extractors.

Yeah but they be up yer and you be down therr.......I int got room fer a set of extractors, gotta empty me pockets to get in as it is!
I aint going to make it, just had a bolt shear off in my cylinder head , i aint got the tools or the money to fix it until december, i'm so ****ing ****ed off :mad::mad:

There are spare seats to be had.
Get another car (any car) and get yourself to the start for Saturday morning
I'm driving down from Bristol Saturday morning and back up Saturday night. Get yourself to Bristol tomorrow. I've got a spare bed and a spare seat or two. I can pick you up from train or bus station and return you there Sunday.
There are spare seats to be had.
Get another car (any car) and get yourself to the start for Saturday morning
I'm driving down from Bristol Saturday morning and back up Saturday night. Get yourself to Bristol tomorrow. I've got a spare bed and a spare seat or two. I can pick you up from train or bus station and return you there Sunday.
:clap2: cant say fairer than that
might be back on for the run ,got me stud out so can refit the head but might not make friday, might have to head down saturday morning.much happier now:D

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