i know mate, i'm joking ;) hopefully we won't need much in the way of recovery gear. mind you, the rate people are breaking down before we've even got there, we might need all of it!!

I broke down 3 times on the way to the last big Salisbury meet....had a good days laning and then broke down the next day on the way home :mad:

All roadside repairs though luckily :D
I broke down 3 times on the way to the last big Salisbury meet....had a good days laning and then broke down the next day on the way home :mad:

All roadside repairs though luckily :D

well don't break down this time- you've got to lead us to your field!!
speaking of which, can you remind me of what 'facilities' are there? leccy, water etc.
so long as I can nick some water and a kettle and something to boil it on ,for my two hot water bottles- I can manage without anything else :D
so long as I can nick some water and a kettle and something to boil it on ,for my two hot water bottles- I can manage without anything else :D
we're bringing a gas stove and kettle etc, bring a few bottles of water as i get the impression there's none at the field!;)
Has anyone in my group got a heater/boiler thing I can warm some soup up when we stop on Saturday please ? Got enough for everyone if you want some on the day - Honey Roasted vegetable :)
well don't break down this time- you've got to lead us to your field!!
speaking of which, can you remind me of what 'facilities' are there? leccy, water etc.

Compost toilet....proper posh with a seat and door and everything

Water brought in containers....the more everyone brings the less times I'll have to go out to refill

2 generators and 2 invertors fer lecky to run essentials like lights, sounds, straightners.....(bring yer own straightners)

Under cover area with big fire.

Areas of grass has been cut but most of the grass is very long so wellies recommended.....something approaching waterproof footwear pretty much essential.

Beef stew for Saturday night and bacon for Sunday morning....I'll provide as much bread/rolls as I can but bring and share will be more than welcome.

FFS bring a mug/bowl/spoon else there'll be fighting
Compost toilet....proper posh with a seat and door and everything

Water brought in containers....the more everyone brings the less times I'll have to go out to refill

2 generators and 2 invertors fer lecky to run essentials like lights, sounds, straightners.....(bring yer own straightners)

Under cover area with big fire.

Areas of grass has been cut but most of the grass is very long so wellies recommended.....something approaching waterproof footwear pretty much essential.

Beef stew for Saturday night and bacon for Sunday morning....I'll provide as much bread/rolls as I can but bring and share will be more than welcome.

FFS bring a mug/bowl/spoon else there'll be fighting
thanx mate :)
I got 100s of paper plate for cake :D

Keep forgetting I've got some, so when I'm out with the local gang I buy another pack to make sure - problem is I do this almost everytime we go out. Stopped counting when I got to 350 plates :eek - thing is , there's usually only 4 of us out laning when we go :eek:
Just found this thread, I guess you will be passing through Moreton to take in the ford. Although I can't make the whole trip ( found it too late to apply and something else booked in) I would like to try and see the groups pass through the ford, it is close to home. Any idea what time on Saturday you will be there? Best wishes to all for a good day the weather looks great. Regards
Just found this thread, I guess you will be passing through Moreton to take in the ford. Although I can't make the whole trip ( found it too late to apply and something else booked in) I would like to try and see the groups pass through the ford, it is close to home. Any idea what time on Saturday you will be there? Best wishes to all for a good day the weather looks great. Regards

Good ford that also drove through when it flooded a couple months back. I got through but had to turn peeps back that didn't have a hope in hell's chance of getting through
Things suddenly gone very up in the air my end :(

just got back from being called out to my neices house by the police to pick up her 8 month old son as my neice and her ex partner had been arrested :eek: No idea what for...police wouldn't tell me only that they wouldn't be questioned about it until at least tomorrow morning.

so i'm lying in my bed with a sleeping baby next to me ... And not quite knowing wtf is happening, or going to happen tomorrow and how long i'll have the baby for :(

Accy , i will let you know ASAP if meeting up tomorrow is off or indeed if whole weekend is off :(
Things suddenly gone very up in the air my end :(

just got back from being called out to my neices house by the police to pick up her 8 month old son as my neice and her ex partner had been arrested :eek: No idea what for...police wouldn't tell me only that they wouldn't be questioned about it until at least tomorrow morning.

so i'm lying in my bed with a sleeping baby next to me ... And not quite knowing wtf is happening, or going to happen tomorrow and how long i'll have the baby for :(

Accy , i will let you know ASAP if meeting up tomorrow is off or indeed if whole weekend is off :(
That little boy is very lucky that you're there with him. :clap2:
things suddenly gone very up in the air my end :(

just got back from being called out to my neices house by the police to pick up her 8 month old son as my neice and her ex partner had been arrested :eek: No idea what for...police wouldn't tell me only that they wouldn't be questioned about it until at least tomorrow morning.

So i'm lying in my bed with a sleeping baby next to me ... And not quite knowing wtf is happening, or going to happen tomorrow and how long i'll have the baby for :(

accy , i will let you know asap if meeting up tomorrow is off or indeed if whole weekend is off :(

OMG! Hope it's nothing serious :(
Agree with West Slope, the baby's lucky there's you to look after him.
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