sadly I miscalculated my quantity of ballast and in fact there int a butty fer me at all :Cry::Cry:

then pinch fatboys order - quick

if not i ordered two but one was going to be lunch but now I have another plan so feel free to nick my other one :)
all sorted thought i was going to have to take the disco al nigbo ,but got 4 new ATs on plus full service just need £100 in the tank:)
Spent two hrs trying to get warm.this evening and now in a very deep hot bath. ...Relevance to chippie run i hear you ask ?

Well if im this cold in my house need some better clothes for chippie run. Top half's loads of thin layers but i normally wesr jeans and i get very cold my bottom half. :(

so recommendations of type of trousers to get...choice to buy in millets, bishop & white or nowhere on Rugby.

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