lmao i had to sneak round to water point on site to wash 2 inches of mud off radiator before even thought of journey home,p.s has that head got a tan yet;)

It's a bit red at the moment but I think that's down to wind chill cos it's a bit nippy out and I've only just got in from working nights.:eek::rolleyes:
a little taste of things


what exactly is the chippy run ?

It's basically a days laning starting at a set point and ending up down by the sea next to a chip shop.

On arrival at the chip shop it's customary for everyone to move over and allow me to the front of the queue. Once I have sampled the wares and decided that they are to my satisfaction it is then up to those in the queue to keep my plate stocked until I am full, afterwich those in the queue may be allowed to eat if there are any chippies left.

N.B. if during the days laning we pass a food establishment such as a bakery, chip shop, cafe etc. The same rules apply.

It's basically a days laning starting at a set point and ending up down by the sea next to a chip shop.

On arrival at the chip shop it's customary for everyone to move over and allow me to the front of the queue. Once I have sampled the wares and decided that they are to my satisfaction it is then up to those in the queue to keep my plate stocked until I am full, afterwich those in the queue may be allowed to eat if there are any chippies left.

N.B. if during the days laning we pass a food establishment such as a bakery, chip shop, cafe etc. The same rules apply.


And now you see why, it's called the chippy run. If ya don't run ya don't get chippies. One of the fun!! parts of the day. Is manouvering the groups and vehicles so that Ratty slowly drifts to the back of the convoy. and then everyone tries desperately to keep him there.

Vehicles have been trashed and animals trampled in the final rush for the chippy stall. :eek:
And now you see why, it's called the chippy run. If ya don't run ya don't get chippies. One of the fun!! parts of the day. Is manouvering the groups and vehicles so that Ratty slowly drifts to the back of the convoy. and then everyone tries desperately to keep him there.

Vehicles have been trashed and animals trampled in the final rush for the chippy stall. :eek:

And if you even think about using that stinger on my tyres again this time I'll kill you...:mad::mad::mad:
I is borrowing a Muslamic RayGun this year.. :D :mil87:

I is using chemical warfare (I'm buying drewster a big curry the night before) and psychological warfare (I is buying drew fm a burner for his cb).;):D:D:D
I'd love to come along on the day, and although I don't have much experience happy to spend time helping out before hand- gotta learn some time instead of just being a tag along.
I'd love to come along on the day, and although I don't have much experience happy to spend time helping out before hand- gotta learn some time instead of just being a tag along.

Good man Tazz, maybe we can both plan an agreeable date on which we can both get down there. Possibly camp overnight so that we can get a full days laning.

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