Dependin on dates etc.. i cannot commit myself to this trip... and I have to get the ok from the boss anorl. :D
Ere I'm not superman you know, I'm juggling this with 15hr days at work at the mo and all that's required right now is to sort a core team and work out when we can meet up to discuss, start reccying to get things rolling etc, hence the PMs to peeps that have offered to help out :)

I apologize now if I've inadvertently missed anybody! :rolleyes:

Dates, gameplan etc for the trip will be posted when the team is ready but it's highly likely it will be an Autumnal trip, gives us six months to get it right ;)

That'll make two slittys that want to come, we're being infiltrated by the enemy:behindsofa::D
Put my name down please .. obviously depends on dates and camping 'cos it's a helluva long way for me to come, but I recall reading about the first chippie run ... ;)
Put my name down please .. obviously depends on dates and camping 'cos it's a helluva long way for me to come, but I recall reading about the first chippie run ... ;)

K I'll stick yer name down on the seperate list on me pooter;)
Cheers, I'd help if I could, but can't see how I can really .. but if you need anything just ask .. ;)

Thanks chap, got some great peeps a bit closer to home who are willing to help sort things for the day, all I could ever ask from those of you further away is your support leading up to/when it happens :)

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