I'd like to come alone depending on dates, It'll be my first time so you'll have to be gentle with me. What equipment will i need? (tyres, ropes etc...)
I'd like to come alone depending on dates, It'll be my first time so you'll have to be gentle with me. What equipment will i need? (tyres, ropes etc...)

From reading what Boomer has posted, I would say that you are unlikely to need any specialist equipment. This will be a gentle days laning with the emphasis more on enjoying Dorsets scenic routes as opposed to mud.
Is there space for "little ballasts's"? My daughter was mighty pi##ed off she missed the laning trip to the Plains in March.
Is there space for "little ballasts's"? My daughter was mighty pi##ed off she missed the laning trip to the Plains in March.

That really depends on how many seats you have in your car and how many are already occupied. Take the number of occupied seats from the total number of seats in the vehicle and what you have left is the number of seats available. If this number is the same as or greater than the number of little Ballasts's that want to sit in your vehicle then you are okay, if not then your fooked.
I'd love to come along and meet you all. Hopefully I can get Tilly sorted ready for our first gentle green laning trip, I might even let the dogs and my hubby come along.
Some piccies from the start (of many) recce trips to whet your appetite ;):)






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