Oi...series...stop being a tart......bring ezri down, i got my youngest coming... They'll have a ball and you know it . You can split the drivin with me , then paaarteeey in the evening. Dont say no , just coz youre a grumpy stuborn old git. You'll enjoy it, so will ezri ....don't cut your nose off to spite your face....pleeeeeeease come play :)
And that comment's just made my mind up now, can't be doing with this **** anymore I QUIT.

Sort it out yer ****in selves :mad:

boomer my lovely....take a deep breath...dont let him or anyone wind you up....youve bought us all this far and we need you to take us to the end. Look up at the stars and think how small this is in the scheme of things or if youre not driving big truck...have a drink and a :hug:
Oh dear....:( Boomer you cant quit you is in too deep. S71 you have offers for ballast, does it matter if you is ballast really? Save you wear and tear on your landy and 25 notes donation....I mean 110W will prob want you to drive half of the route anyway.... :)

Guys please dont fook this up. We was all gettin along so well... boomer got us out of **** last time and went out of his way to help us ........goes along way in my book, as for smiler.. he rarely speaks to me.. but thats his choice I wont go out of my way to be friendly but I will be civil. Its history. And the sooner the sly digs about previous goins on stops the better. :D
Mardy arses..... don't make me come down there and clip you both round the ears.:behindsofa::director::D:D:D
Oh dear....:( Boomer you cant quit you is in too deep. S71 you have offers for ballast, does it matter if you is ballast really? Save you wear and tear on your landy and 25 notes donation....I mean 110W will prob want you to drive half of the route anyway.... :)

Guys please dont fook this up. We was all gettin along so well... boomer got us out of **** last time and went out of his way to help us ........goes along way in my book, as for smiler.. he rarely speaks to me.. but thats his choice I wont go out of my way to be friendly but I will be civil. Its history. And the sooner the sly digs about previous goins on stops the better. :D

thats helping things minty :rolleyes:

I have toned down a hell of a lot on LZ and dont get involved in most of the **** taking and do not become the grumpy **** I used to be.

I hardly speak to anyone these days due to the fact I spend most of my time with my daughter who needs my time due to her 'special needs'.

If you think i'm being unfriendly towards you because we rarely speak then 99% of the people I am friends with on FB must feel the same.It's nothing personal minty as I actually really like you in a non sexual sort of way.

I might pop up to the camping session but I doubt very much i'll come along for the day.
If you think i'm being unfriendly towards you because we rarely speak then 99% of the people I am friends with on FB must feel the same.It's nothing personal minty as I actually really like you in a non sexual sort of way.

I might pop up to the camping session but I doubt very much i'll come along for the day.

Ya fick grumpy inbred fooker.. Smiler is DVSE :doh: And yu had better come on trip. I'm relying on you to stop that fat chipeater from getting to chip stall, before I do.. ..
Look ya grumpy bugger...what other exciting things you likely to be doing on the last sat in october :confused:

now will you just shut the feck up and agree to come on the bloody trip with no more wittering :p

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