Unfortunately everything I earnt has had to go to the dog...literally. She decided to have a stroke and then just as we thought she was making a good recovery she had another one.:(

I rekon I could still muster up enough for a extra large bag of the finest potato slithers though.:cool:

I likes Chippies I does.:D:D:D

thats no way to talk about..... watserface ;)
I aint on the list either.:eek:

I'll just get my coat. I know when I'm not wanted............

I'll spend the day at the chippy instead so there aint nuffink left for you lot.:cool::cool::cool:

You is on the list.... not the leaders list the first list at the top is your eyesight goin???? :D
You is on the list.... not the leaders list the first list at the top is your eyesight goin???? :D

Not on revised list Mintz.
Series is welcome as ballast, or if someone pulls out maybe take their place.
Like I said, no exceptions, peeps knew about all this four months ago, not my fault or problem if some choose to drag their arses....
Not on revised list Mintz.
Series is welcome as ballast, or if someone pulls out maybe take their place.
Like I said, no exceptions, peeps knew about all this four months ago, not my fault or problem if some choose to drag their arses....

Im talkin about ratty :D
Series ...if noone drops out and no exceptions can be made ........you and Ezri are more than welcome to grab a couple of seats in the beast......be lovely for you both to come down :)
Where is nearest place on map ,beasty to the field ,so i can see vaguely where im going ...unlike leaving it to the night before which i usually do :eek:

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