excuse me i discussed this with boomer in the initial stages and staed that I would go but under no circumstances would I be a group leader.....so that slightly invalidates your last statement.

But that neither here or there now as i'm not about to kick off about it as i'm not going and wont be going as ballast.

But you would make excellent ballast you fat c**t :5bsifone:
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boomer my lovely....take a deep breath...dont let him or anyone wind you up....youve bought us all this far and we need you to take us to the end. Look up at the stars and think how small this is in the scheme of things or if youre not driving big truck...have a drink and a :hug:

Or axe a few prostitutes to death :D
Now I have NO intention of abandoning this trip and all the people looking forward to it but I'm going to ask Series for a little favour:

The fact is I need some extra help, my spare time is finite and I'm going to be out almost every weekend now with different group leaders to ensure the route is clear in their minds and of obstructions, I have to do this as they all can't take time off on the same day.

What I do urgently need (and I hope if you're unable to help then someone else will offer) is someone to please carry out some very important admin tasks....

I need someone to liase with the charity and organise some stickers/wristbands for each vehicle, to liase with West Bay District Council to set aside parking for forty vehicles, to liase with Michael at the chip kiosk exactly what peoples food requirements on the day so he can order accordingly....

Reckon you could do that buddy?

In return, I will pay your donation to the charity and as far as I'm concerned this little spat never happened.....
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:fighting2:and i was hopeing for the blood to flow
and now we are back to looking forward to a good weekend out and about

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