It's amazing, you stay away from a thread for a few days and:-

WWIII nearly breaks out;
Calm down, we are supposed to be friends!!!

The less than admirable LZ trait of personal and abusive language outside AG creeps in;:argue:
Behave chidren - any repeat offenders will be used as the water depth testers - thrown from a height of 4'. (1.25m)
Boomer tries to do right by reminding those who did Chippie Run 1 about the commitment to Charity; I'll answer that later.
A noobie tries to lecture some of the more ragged and experienced old stagers on philanthropy - but we can sort him out as he lives near the start of the run.;);)
FT quite rightly mentions it's only another £25 for a relatively cheap weekend - so I expect to see him at at the start with his 5 crisp fivers.:p

As for the Charity donation - I need to respect the decision of the the organisers and will base my decision on whether to go on the overall cost of the weekend. I have a lot of sympathy for those for whom the £25 might be a bridge too far, but for me I would be spending 4 times that amount on diesel; plus the cost of food for 2 and, as it's a long day probably overnight accomodation for 2 as well, so £25 is not as a major cost compared to the rest. But at the end of the day that's my choice. As I don't know whether I'll be working in October, as my current contract will be finished by then, I've started the biscuit tin already.

Having enjoyed both previous Plains runs I was privileged to have had the opportunity of tasting 110 Woman's morsels ;) (well I actually missed out second time because Burrito Junior ate it all) so I would have no problem if 110 Woman decided to ask for a charitable donation towards the cost of the cakes. After all, by providing us with cake saves us money from buying our own (apart from Ratty who'll probably empty the shelves of the local Tesco as well as trying to kidnap 110 Woman's cakes).

It is a shame if someone can't make the day because of the cost, but in the overall scheme of things I would back Boomer and his admirable attempt to raise a bit of money for a very worthy cause.

One thing that would be good for a future event would be if someone would be willing to organise one which isn't in the South West, to try and reduce some of the travel costs for some. Just a suggestion for the future perhaps, but before anyone suggests it - No I would have absolutely no idea how to go about it, and I realise that it would have to be somewhere with enough organisers living close by.
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My tuppence worth, Boomer's putting a lot of effort in to this and if he wants us to make a donation so we can raise some money for a good cause that's no bad thing.

Also, it will surely improve our rep with non-laners if they see we're doing the run fer charitee not just for ****s 'n giggles. Can we get stickers, flags, etc from Make a Wish..?

I'm all for a bit of cake and will chuck somefing in towards 110 Woman's pot if she's coming and bring cakes (and I can get to 'em before Ratty).

And Boomer, as I'm a local (well, nearly, just another 22 years to go) I feel I should put my name down as a group leader if you need another. It'll also give me a bit of motivation to get Scratchy sorted before any more recce trips, are there any more recce trips coming up?
I agree with all of the people that have said that £25 is money well spent for a good day out. The fact that it's for chariddy is a bonus.

I was lucky enough to go on the last Plains trip, and every one of my mates that I told about it said "How much did that cost?" They then were amazed it was free.

Now, I'm facing a few financial problems myself, but as has been said, it's not until the end of October. So I've already started saving.

Anyone know of a cheap Landy for sale?!?

loving it drive thro water park get out scratch balls:eek:

nah just tucking the hernia back in :eek:
To be frank (whoever HE is) I'm beginning to think folk are misreading this fred.

Don't think anyone is belittling Boomer or anyone else for the amount of work in getting this trip together and nobody has said the charity is a bad idea.....

It's mostly been about how everyone who wants to go, can and hopefully that is resolved.

The only times it has come close to kicking off has been nothing to do with the trip itself but rather with a few members with past......erm.......history :eek: and even then they showed restraint ;)

So sterling work everyone and roll on Chippy Run II :D:D
Been pondering........again :rolleyes:

We haven't had much uptake of the trip from the shiny Freelander/Range Rover peeps have we, the trip does cater for ALL types of Land Rover ;)

There will most likely be at least 1 P38, though it's not the shiniest one in the world

So just to refresh your memories and for those who haven't seen them before The Original Chippy Run pictures

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