Ask fanny to explain it to you Beasty - it's all to do with circles and where your circles overlap- he went into great depth about his circle theory at 3am, after a few beers :D
it's all about ethereal audi badges or summat:D glad you got home 110w i was getting worried between the smoke pouring out of my bonnet,the oil trail behind me and your wipers not working in the pouring rain and then i had an injector pipe split at jct 9 m6 but she got me home .I got to thank pikey fer keeping me in oil for the weekend, you truly are generous munchkin:D thanks mate.
it's all about ethereal audi badges or summat:D glad you got home 110w i was getting worried between the smoke pouring out of my bonnet,the oil trail behind me and your wipers not working in the pouring rain and then i had an injector pipe split at jct 9 m6 but she got me home .I got to thank pikey fer keeping me in oil for the weekend, you truly are generous munchkin:D thanks mate.

You got the gap!!!!!!!!:D:D:D
zan ..i hope " bump " enjoyed his first chip run?...:):)

I'm guessing by all the bumps I was getting, that he enjoyed too, especially the scampy and chips at the end. Glad you guys enjoyed yourself again, sorry we were rushing off as you got into west bay, but the ballast needed to get home go to a rock concert
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Anything that places 2 such disperate charactors as Fanny and Clarky in a motor all day together without bloodshed is pretty damn sorted in my book :D

T'was a brilliant day - chewin' the fat with Fanny all day long made the dull on-road sections pass by quickly... :) It was a pleasure having him and his little 'un along as ballast!

Ask fanny to explain it to you Beasty - it's all to do with circles and where your circles overlap- he went into great depth about his circle theory at 3am, after a few beers :D

Not sure whether it was the beer or Fanny's circles that was sending me dizzy that night... but he's spot on with that theory :)

A great day and a cracking evening with some great folk :D :D :D

Oh, and my daughter tells me I have to say 'hi' to Dogsbody and Kiwi.... both of whom she took rather a shine to... ;)
On a slightly more sober note............

Booger - Although we didnt stop, you were in our thoughts and mentioned several times along Chesil Beach and up passed your house. Get muddy!
Ok peeps, this is the third big trip we've put on in the last four years (two chip runs and the plains newbie run, along with involvement in others) and now I'm taking a step back and not planning on organising another trip for a loooooong time, so.......anybody fancy reciprocating by taking on the challenge of sorting a run in their area?
It'd be nice to turn up and follow somebody showing us around their neck of the woods for a change....... ;):)
Ok peeps, this is the third big trip we've put on in the last four years (two chip runs and the plains newbie run, along with involvement in others) and now I'm taking a step back and not planning on organising another trip for a loooooong time, so.......anybody fancy reciprocating by taking on the challenge of sorting a run in their area?
It'd be nice to turn up and follow somebody showing us around their neck of the woods for a change....... ;):)

:rolleyes: cant believe they are not falling over each other to step up to the plate/side step :rolleyes::D
I've got a pay n play just around the corner from me... Although a gathering there won't require much in the way of organisation, I'd be happy to sort something...

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