Mine decided to pack up as we left the field :doh: :rolleyes:

Any news on yer injun Daft?

Without wishing to provoke the LR gods, I think I might have got away with it. Nursed to to West Bay and then to Yeovil, where Pikey kindly took pity on an old codger and donated a coolant tank to a good cause -me. I think he thought it was a spare colostomy bag or summat.

Drove all the way back to Bstoke today with Sniffs and it didnt miss a beat, so am x-ing fingers :).
Ta for everyone that helped.
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Without wishing to provide the LR gods, I think I might have got away with it. Nursed to to west bay and then to Yeovil, where Pikey kindly took pity on an old codger and donated a coolant tank to a good cause -me. I think he thought it was a spare colostomy bag or summat.

Drove all the way back to Bstoke today with Sniffs and it didnt miss a beat, so am Xing fingers :).
Ta for everyone that helped.

Good news :)

And despite rumours to the contrary, we didn't beat the living crap out if each other :).

Anything that places 2 such disperate charactors as Fanny and Clarky in a motor all day together without bloodshed is pretty damn sorted in my book :D
Good news :)

Anything that places 2 such disperate charactors as Fanny and Clarky in a motor all day together without bloodshed is pretty damn sorted in my book :D

Ask fanny to explain it to you Beasty - it's all to do with circles and where your circles overlap- he went into great depth about his circle theory at 3am, after a few beers :D
no not yet shes still away till tomorrow ,i have lessened the shock on the phone but i dont have a leg to stand on with the grief i gave over knocking the truck about :D

just tell her it's good to key up the paintwork prior to a flat'n'polish..:D:D
Great to meet you James and boys BTW ..x
Has anyone noticed if big si has posted since the trip ?

He had a problemette on the way back...smoke...appears there is diesel getting into his oil somehow.

Hoping he was just busy with kids and knackered when he got in , rather than waiting for breakdown truck

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