good to meet ya - even tho yu didnt have a badge :eek:. In fact it was good to meet all you other retrobates :)

can ya stick yo photos in the other fred - just to keep em all together.
good to meet ya - even tho yu didnt have a badge :eek:. In fact it was good to meet all you other retrobates :)

can ya stick yo photos in the other fred - just to keep em all together.

Yes it was a giggle:clap2: well done all
Yet more thanks.......
To all of those that helped me with my overheating problem....

For Andy for stopping the group so quickly.
For those that kindly offered water.
for Gordon for tools (mine here under a heap of crap on the back of the disco.
and speshul thanks go to Boomer for offering to go get me a noo coolant tank and Pikey who road shotgun with me to Yeovil to actually get one (and assisted fitting it)
And , of course, Minty, who supplied coffee & tea to keep us warm.
Just got home !
After another days laning on the way home;)
I would like to thank Boomer for a great day, you did a fantastic job:clap2: and to his crew,as none of this would have been possible, thanks guys
Also like to thank Steve Campbell for leading and Drewster for :confused: er for being Drewster:D thanks mate. And thanks to the rest of the group for making it a fun day.
Good to see some old faces and new ones:):)

Oh and put me down for the next one;)
Just got home !
After another days laning on the way home;)
I would like to thank Boomer for a great day, you did a fantastic job:clap2: and to his crew,as none of this would have been possible, thanks guys
Also like to thank Steve Campbell for leading and Drewster for :confused: er for being Drewster:D thanks mate. And thanks to the rest of the group for making it a fun day.
Good to see some old faces and new ones:):)

Oh and put me down for the next one;)

Lesley and i enjoyed looking at your ass end most of the way round Dorset..:D

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