right miniman am off out in a bit to buy some cheap ****e to mix with diesil. only thing i have come across now is there i son the shelves veg oil and sunflower oil, am stuck for choice mate please help!
the sunflower oil looks to be a bit thinner than theveg oil, any difference>?
cheers again.
one day every one will use it (with no choice) and it will be imported from places like africa, because we have very little land to car ratio.
you gotta use some common sense here.
let the used oil stand for a goodly while and then decant it from the storage drum. dont disturb the bottom.
yes filter it thro a stocking but then filter it again to lab filter standards.
all this takes time. dont rush it.
you can test for water by heating a sample up. if it pops and bangs, theres water in it. you can heat large amounts of oil to rid the water, but be careful ffs!
and fit an extra filter to the landy, even 2 extra. a heated filter is even better like the peugeot ones.
use a high % mix in summer and a low % mix in winter.

a two tank system is better still.
beware using this in a landy with a lucas IP. the cav IP has issues with wvo!
and i certainly wouldnt use it in a tdv6 with 2 yrs warranty left!
Unless you are using proper clean veg oil I would not bother messing about with oil waste oil.... It has got to be done correctly......With a 20mg filter anything other than is madness it just clogs ya filter in no time at all.


VEG oil is best.....
Fuel tweaks are very hard to Explain over a message so if you are serius about doing it on a 200tdi your best bet is to send me a PM and I will give you my Mobile No and then talk ya through it whilst ya stood looking under the bonnet.....;)
Chappy said:
The prices are very cheap, but you have to buy 5,000 litres. Maybe a club could get together and do a mutual support thing for its membership? While diesel is about 85 - 95p per litre, BioDiesel is only 76p per litre. But this isn't cheap enough for the big oil companies to consider supplying it in big numbers. Too much goverment tax on it to make it worthwhile.

5,000 litres sounds like a helluvalot until you find out how big a tank you'd need for it...

I just had a look at this:


and a 5kilolitre tank is approx 3m x 2.5m x 2m - so not the towering monster I'd thought at first, but about the size of big garden shed.

At their current price it's a min order of £3,600's worth of veggiediesel - but the same amount from a forecourt is going to be more like £4,600 - so a potential saving of a cool thou.

Ofc... there's the cost of the tank to consider - the 'special offers' page from the site above gives a price of £1,200ish - so a net loss of £200 for the first tank full - or put another, more accountant friendly way - a net gain of £1,800 on the first 2 tankfulls.

It all comes down to how much you're likely to use I suppose - a family with 4 diesel cars could be doing 5,000 in six months fairly easily - perspective moment: At an average of 28mpg 5,000 litres of fuel should do 31,000 miles.

I think I've just found another criterion for the new house... must have space for a ferkin' huge tank in the garden - then I just need to make a few friends in Cumbria with diesel cars - shouldn't be too hard ;-D


BTW Chappy, FARK MAN! How much fake tan did you use for that photo mate!
will do miniman, just to letyou all know that over the past week or so i have been running a 50/50 mix derv and veggie,
good points are that it really has a noticable amount of oomph lower down the rev range.
work out at buying the veggie oils @ 50p per litre for every tenner you spend on veggie oil then a tenner on derv = 20 quid you get somthing like the equivelent of 26.50 off the pump so you are gettin an extream amount more miles for your money.
very little smoke, no more than what it does on derv.
bad points are strong smell of veggie when hot.
takes about 2 more revolutions of the engine to start up on a cold morning.
and thats about it really, not missed a beat, no engine trouble what so ever.
i am going to continue on this for some time now! thanks for the lads who help me out in explaining it all to me.
its just about having the balls to put veggie oil from asda in your tank, its not very reassuring but worth the effort with you weekly shop.
Try and rotate where ya buy it from. Some shops get a bit miffed if ya buy the shelf alot and they have to buy more and start watching who is buying.....lol

I run proper Bio and its 88p per liter the tax is paid on that aswell more MPG and a sweet sound engine which will last longer.....

I love the smell and it makes me feel proud to drive a BIG 4X4 JUICE GUZZLER that is less damaging to the enviroment than a 1300cc car.....Its a top argument when they start....

Best one is when they ask the price and you say 88p and they say why bother and you reply i am just doing my bit. So what do you drive and what are you doing for the enviroment...lmao....:D
haha, when i bough a load it was last sat "bonfire night" and the girl on the counter said "your gonna have a good one tonight arnt yer?"...................
somthing like that luv yer! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
would have been more of an interesting conversation though if she got her baps out for me to rub the oil on like,....................ill try a bit herder next time haha ;)
Keep us posted about how you get on mate - seems like a doddle when you read it on the site, but so did changing the clutch in my old MR2 (if I ever have to do one of those again I swear I'll top meself!)


It all depends on what sort of Bio ya on about because bio comes in different types veggie nio rapseed bio it all mixes...... There are diferent types of bio like 5% bio and 95% diesel this if ya ask me is not worth the hastle....
I run 100% rapeseed oil and its top stuff.
in simple terms max, i have a 200dti, instead of putting derv in off the pumps, i will only use it to say put 30 litres in and then buy veggy oil from asda and put 30 litres of that in and just a litre of tinners to thin it out.
i dont use pre heaters or any other **** like that and my car is going further on the juice, quieter, has more lower down the rev range torque and starts fine in the cold. thats about as simple as i can get with it. i aslo do alot of milage and have had no probs as of yet, prob done about 1500 miles since a fortnight ago when i first tried it.
so you use thinners to dilute the cooking oil? i just pour it staright in it mixes with the derv in the tank and bobs yer mothers brother ;)
chris, how does it start first thing in a morning, have you got a fuel line heater, what sort of rape oil are you using

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