i just pour mine strait into the tank aswell then at the end just throw some white spirit in and me and a mate rock the jeep side 2 side for a few mins and as yd said bobs your uncle.
I use proper Bio yella from the C & E Bio diesel unit in Burnley. Its 88p a liter and has a C&E certificate so its proper stuff. They have just told me that they are putting a special antifreez in it now due to the cold weather....
Mine starts fine first thing without heater plugs..... When I had the 2.5 n/a in it used to take probably 2 my turns of the crank to fire up....Then a big puff of chippy smelly stuff and its clear....

Yeh I am questioning the thinners as its not a good idea at all... Thinners eats plastic and some types of rubber. Its not needed. In Diesel bio mix at all. In summer I was running My perkins 4203 on a 20% Derv and 80% Veg oil...I also did the same with the 2.25D landy....

I am going today to fill up so I will have a chat with him about the veg oil job see what he says.....
AH he means white spirit not thinners....Thats ok then but its not needed if you have Diesel in aswell....
ive just filled up with proper bio from a small oriental outlet near to where i am working and it was 84.5 ppl which i think was absolutely marvelous . you will probably find that yer man says veggie is a no no, a lot of em do cos it means yer wont be buying from them ;)
No its something in it which you have to take out or it slowly lines your injector pump and blocks the injectors but he does say its very slow....
Have you been running it for a while like me or is it fairly new to you the proper bio I mean.....It took a month for mine to work its magic but its totaly tops now.....MPG is super duper.....
nah, like youive been running proper bio fer ages, people cant understand how your mpg and performance can be better. a bloke near us put it in his landcruiser and it clogged the filter, apparently if you have a paper fuel filter it clogs em up ;)
Right he says its glysarine or somat thats in the veg oil he has told me it will line the pump and injectors and then you will need to get a new pump.... he recons if the engine lasts 2 years of noemal day to day running it will have done good...... I vote that every 6 months you run a fuel system cleaner through that will probably give it a good chance...:D
When you first start using bioD the oil has different qualities. After about a month of using the new fuel you should replace the fuel filter as the bioD cleans out the system - stripping off all the deposits left by the mineral diesel. Once this has been done, you should be alright for normal periodic replacement of the fuel filter. You are left with a cleaner fuel system!

I've also read that some cars will need to have their fuel lines replaced because BioD attacks the material they're made from.

BioD is clean. Also, mixes of BioD and mineral diesel are not as effective as 100% BioD.

How can the government charge some 4x4 users more road tax and yet continue to charge UK Fuel duty on BioDiesel? That is hypocrisy. Erm thinks - more road tax because they say some 4x4s are gas guzzlers AND tax the fuel that could redress the situation. REAL JOINED UP THINKING GUYS. I hate politicians!

yer i have read on the net that to every 20 litres of veggie oil 1 litre of white spirit of something similar but oil based thins it out.
Has anybody tried the NATO fuel? 25 - 1 mix of Kerosene and Hydraulic oil (works out at 35p per litre), I know that is highly illegal for road use as no tax has been paid but a friend of mine runs 5 work Transits on it and has done for over 5 years without any mechanical issues.
i use 50/50 diesoil vegoil in summer 1/3 veg in winter , smokes a bit on startup and idle ,a few revs clears it , electric pumps can break though.
2.5 na engine
RAZ8550TDI said:
strange that your paying 84.summate for bio off the pumps, its all 79.9 in liverpool.
Whats strange about it ? What you have to remember is there is no such thing as a chain of Bio Diesel sales each and every Bio sales is a Individual so price will vary alot. I have No problem paying 88ppl because I know its properly produced and I defo get More MPG....
true its just that i aint seen it for more than 79.9 thats all, still cheaper than say 90.5 ave from fuel giants.

I've also read that some cars will need to have their fuel lines replaced because BioD attacks the material they're made from.


only true for much older cars. modern cars have the newer type fuel lines.
ie about the disco years onwards.
i ran my 300tdi on pure veg oil and it ran 100% better and cleaner , in the winter i used to run 50% diesel to 50 % cooking oil to stop it freezing up and it was fine just go to your local macro or warehouse and by it in 25ltr cans around £12 loads cheaper than our £1.20 a ltr diesel

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