Technicaly, you could tune your engine to run on 100% bio, although this would make it out for DERV.

If the timing is slightly out for DERV, then it is going to struggle a bit with Bio, as that makes what would be a relativly small timing inaccuracy for DERV too big for Bio.
There is a company in Northwich Cheshire that sells BioDiesel in bulk. The web address is

The prices are very cheap, but you have to buy 5,000 litres. Maybe a club could get together and do a mutual support thing for its membership? While diesel is about 85 - 95p per litre, BioDiesel is only 76p per litre. But this isn't cheap enough for the big oil companies to consider supplying it in big numbers. Too much goverment tax on it to make it worthwhile.

Interesting that the Governmental still charge UK Fuel duty even though Bio is much better for the environment! Could it be so they can extort another punitive 'Green' tax out of an easy target - 4x4 owners.

Another good site is

Forgot to add. While browsing the intyweb at dinnertime, I checked out the alliance against urban 4x4's. What a joke they are! BUT, with all the hype over carbon footprints isn't it important that we defend ourselves?
Here is another link for BioD

Here is an interesting extract from their site;

The technology to produce Bio Diesel has been around for many years and the inventor of the diesel engine, Rudolf Diesel, originally ran his engine on vegetable oil. Since that time the price of this type of oil has become expensive when compared to mineral oil. It costs significantly more to produce a litre of bio diesel than fossil diesel....
anyone actually yused pure veggie oil? i dont mean bio off the pumps. am talking the waste chip fat stuff, vegitable oil catch my drift.
Pure veg oil is to thick, and won't offer correct lubrication to the pump and the drop size is too big for the injectors, but you would probally get away with it for a long enough. I rekcon if you added some diesel to thin it, it might be better, but its not good for the valves etc because it doesn't burn as well as bio/DERV and unburned, oxidized veg oil will build up in the engine around valves, injector tips, piston sidewalls and rings.

I personaly wouldn't use it, its like putting some sand in your oil, you know the engine will run fine for long enough, but its the fact that its going to cause damage.
the early diesel engines will run ok on svo/wvo. esp with a bosch IP. the lucus IP can fail.
some older mercedes engines have run up huge mileages on vo. they can use vo with no modification at all.

the later tdi and common rail diesels are another matter. most peeps use a mix of say 50/50 vo and derv. esp in the summer. a weaker mix in the winter.
you also need extra filters. check them regulary.

its better to use a twin tank system, with heated vo lines. then u can start up and shut down on derv. once the engine is hot then u can use 100% vo.
(this is what i intend to do next year).

no one knows the long term effects of vo use in modern diesel engines. there are few if any long term studies.
i know ther german manafactures back using boi from the pump in the most recent of deisil motors.
i have heard all kinds of stories about mixing it with parafin and ****e like that, wouldnt like to go down that road though but am desperate to try and go down the veggie oil road, might just start using a 50/50 bio out of the pump and veg oil as it does contain mainly 90% mineral deisle anyway in the pump bio.
any views?
Right to put things straight. I run proper Bio Diesel 100% mix its Rapeseed oil is my bio and my 2 landys run fine on it. The only problem I have found is on a cold morning it takes about 2revs more to start on it. You can mix bio and diesel in the same tank. My motor 1 is a series 3 diesel 2.25 and it runs better on it and I get about 60mpg more out of a tank my motor No2 is a 200tdi 90 which was a discovery engine and it runs better again on Bio. I pay 88p per liter and its tax is paid. I used to goto morrisons and buy there cheep veg oil and do a 50/50 mix but its as illegal as using Red diesel if you get dipped and you have not paid the VAT to the customs and excise. I buy my goverment approved Bio from Burnley Lancashire. Common rail diesels dont like Bio but I do know a few people with TD5s which run it without problems.
That stuff they sell which is a 5% blend is not worth a **** dont bother with it. Also if you are thinking about running Bio make sure your fuel pipes to and from the tank are NOT rubber as its eats them......

BIO is the future and you will be impressed....I have more MPG and POWER with bio. Also after you have run a full tank of bio you need to change the fuel filter because it cleans out all your tank and lines. Its also cleans out your injectors and you will find its better after a few tanks.....
to be honest i get a bit more oomph out of the boi than the city diesil from sainsburys, so what you saying id i can run my 200tdi on vegitable oil as in the stuff i can buy from costco or any other wholesalors and just mix it with normal diesil? but just get round to replacing my fuel lines?
sorry but i need you to be as simple and as blunt as poss as my jag is undergoing some work so the disco is used as my day to day car at the mo.
cheers miniman.
Yes you can but long term its not good for the engine as there are certan cemicals which need to be taken out of superstore veg oil. If you have a disco 200tdi it will be fine on Bio without any pipes changing the disco fuel pipes are plastic. But yes. You can run on superstore Veg oil. I tested mine first with half a tank of normal diesel and 9 liters of veg oil from morrisons and it run fine.....without any problems at all....i slowly got used to putting more and more in but its best to just mix it....:)
thank you miniman,
you know where am going tommorow lol not to bothered engine wise as i now have a v8 on the way as a second disco but cant get it for a feew weeks and it only takes a day to drop another 200tdi in anyway but i just dont have one spare at the mo you see. so if this goes wrong and i cant get to my garage to open on monday morning i can come to you for my losses? lol
only messing mate, thanks for your help.
Thats nice and tidy mate..... Have you done the fuel tweak on the makes a top power difference...
ormus said:

this is the BEST site on the www for info on bio fuel.
read and learn.

Thanks ormus.

Just taken a look at this site and it is very interesting. There is loads of information about making bio-D from all kinds of oils, old and new. Sounds a bit complicated but the authors say it's all pretty straight-forward.

Wonder how it leaves your house insurance!!!

It also works out very expensive initialy to buy the equipment. It has to be done right if you are using old oil because it clogs ya filters up.....

Errm I know first :D

Had to go and tow me bro back from Preston he had totaly buggered his filter.

He thought that siveing it throught a T shirt over a bucket was the way
If your only going to roll about on veg oil for a few weeks then you will be fine, buy it new though. Used veg oil should only really be used for bio diesel, as fatty acids etc, water, and other non oil products will have contaminated it after its been used. The process of making it into bio will remove these.

Miniman said:
It has to be done right if you are using old oil because it clogs ya filters up.....

YES, it has to be filtered down with the last filter being about 20microns, if it passes through this then its safe, and will cause no problems to the fuel filter in the car.

Are you using it as veg oil, or making it into biodiesel?
I think he is using it as an underbody seal for winter...... DOH he is wanting it for screen wash....DOH.... Na he is thinking about using it for fuel....TAX paid of course...

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