Welcome to LZ shocking. That's a novel idea, but i bet you won't get anyone to try it. Personally i cook my chips in diesel coz it makes em taste right nice, then i can put it in me car afterwards :D:D

Nothing like waking the dead eh??
Good first post shonkyc!

Looks like yer have a bit o readin t do afore yer catch up wi 2008 !:rolleyes:

keep tryin tho ;)
12th-November-2006, 17:22
Normal diesel over here is on a avrage of 95ppl so thats probably why...

Humm wonder what price is now guys in your area. 95ppl here for Bio Diesel now.... In some places its 1.19ppl for normal Diesel....
Big Change from Nov 2006.... T*ssers them there Right Honorable LOL Gents..... Some Honor...:mad:
It is cheap.....mind you now boris is running london we can expect carrot powered cars and free fairy cakes for all people who visit....
With the biodiesel or veg oil mix, how are TD5's going on it?

From what I here they dont like it. Some do and some don't. Thats what ya get for fitting silly computers in great motors and complicating things..
What are the army going to do if they get a ERROR on the computer in the middle of the Iraq desert......WALK.....HUMMMM :rolleyes:

The landy was original designed to run on a multitude of *rap mixes of fuel so the military could just bung an old mix in and keep going but today its got to be TOP FUEL..... Sad realy :(
Hay all

I was hopeing for info and to let me know if i am getting my leg pulled?

1.Bio Diesel WOT IS IT & how much more cheeper is it to regular Diesel????

2.I have been told that we can run our Diesel engines on cooking oil? Am i getting the **** taken out of me and if i am then HA BLOODY HA and if not is there people hear useing it?

Bio diesel is processed vege oil

Depending on what engine you have YES you can run on vege oil.

I run 50/50 mix of diesel and vege (rapeseed) oil.

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