
I don't know if this has been posted already so sorry if it has.

There is a protest currently to boycot BP, Esso and Tesco petrol stations. These are the 3 biggest supplies of fuel in the UK.

The idea is that if everyone boycot's these fuel stations then in order to compete with others they will have to drop their fuel prices and as soon as they do, the others (Shell, Texaco, ASDA etc) will have to follow suit.

If enough people do it we could soon see prices back down at 70p.

Wishful thinking I know but it can't hurt to try and because us 4x4 owners "supposedly" use more fuel than all the other car types (including the very aerodynamic small enigined people carrier owners who seem to be the worst for accusing us of that) put together we would have the largest impact.
why boycott british firms! lets boycott all the foreign petrol companies and only buy british motor cars (are there any?) buy only british electronic goods and only work fur british companies.

dont be daft!
Boycot the big ones and use the smaller petrol stations.

Yeah Shell are big but you only have to get one to lower its prices and the rest will have to follow to compete.

I'm not suggesting that everyone does it. May not be practical for eveyone. Not suggesting you drive miles out of your way to do it but I pass a BP a Shell and an independant petrol station on my way to work so instead of stopping at the nearest one when I need to fill up I just avoid the BP.

And BP is not British, the primary shareholder is russian









blockades of 2000 did what exactly?

BIG FAT **** ALL!!!!

Boycot the big ones and use the smaller petrol stations.

Yeah Shell are big but you only have to get one to lower its prices and the rest will have to follow to compete.

I'm not suggesting that everyone does it. May not be practical for eveyone. Not suggesting you drive miles out of your way to do it but I pass a BP a Shell and an independant petrol station on my way to work so instead of stopping at the nearest one when I need to fill up I just avoid the BP.

And BP is not British, the primary shareholder is russian

The smaller petrol stations are far more expensive then places like Tesco, thats why people go to the bigger places! It would be alright for those who travel alot, therefore passing meny petrol stations but there are people who don't have a choice of stations. Good idea in princable but people may struggle to do it.
Like I said not everyone can do it but only enough need do it for the fuel companies to take notice.

Its never gona work if narrow minded people :p Just pass it off


The fuel blockades did reduce prices eventually or do you not remember that. Prices got upto around 90p which was the reason for the blockades and after were reduced to 82p. They did however cost the country millions. At least this way doesn't.

The only way this will ever work is if enough people know about it. I am in noway trying to push this on anyone. Like I said before:

"Wishful thinking but its worth a try"

Was just trying to let people know. Good for a bit of controversy to get people talking too!! :D
Like I said not everyone can do it but only enough need do it for the fuel companies to take notice.

Its never gona work if narrow minded people :p Just pass it off


The fuel blockades did reduce prices eventually or do you not remember that. Prices got upto around 90p which was the reason for the blockades and after were reduced to 82p. They did however cost the country millions. At least this way doesn't.

The only way this will ever work is if enough people know about it. I am in noway trying to push this on anyone. Like I said before:

"Wishful thinking but its worth a try"

Was just trying to let people know. Good for a bit of controversy to get people talking too!! :D

So where do you think the small garages get their fuel from then????

The price may have gone down for a short while but the oil companies sold 3 months worth of fuel in the week before and the week after the blockade. I bet they were gutted. Oil is running out and supply is drying up and India & china's consumption is rising at a fantastic rate. where there's a shortage there's a price rise.
This pops up every few weeks at the mo'. Only buy fuel from A B & C cuz then X Y & Z will lower their prices.

Guess what, no-one pays any attention, no-one does it, no-one gets lower fuel prices, IT DOESN'T WORK!
The smaller stations probably do get there fuel from the larger ones but if the likes of BP start to see their own forecourt sales dropping they will take note.

The reason it has probably not worked in the past is because everyone takes the same attitude. "its never gona work".

The reason the fuel and motorway blockades worked is because they impacted everyone in country and so everyone knew about them.

All im doing is trying to make everyone aware of it. I haven't seen any better ideas for getting the fuel prices down.

Anyone else got one?
Errm, asking Gordo the Porridge Wog to reduce the taxation on fuel to less than 65% of the total cost? Nah, bleedin stoooopid idea that, ain't never gonna work...
The smaller stations probably do get there fuel from the larger ones but if the likes of BP start to see their own forecourt sales dropping they will take note.

The reason it has probably not worked in the past is because everyone takes the same attitude. "its never gona work".

The reason the fuel and motorway blockades worked is because they impacted everyone in country and so everyone knew about them.

All im doing is trying to make everyone aware of it. I haven't seen any better ideas for getting the fuel prices down.

Anyone else got one?

You numpty. BP and Shell franchise their garages out Why do you think there'll almost all manned by asians. And they're owned by a tottally different arm of the company to the petroleum sales dept. They get their cash every month off the franchisee regardless of the number of gallons they sell.
The reason the fuel and motorway blockades worked is because they impacted everyone in country and so everyone knew about them.

If it fooking worked why oh why are we paying £1.15 to £1.29 per litre. for our fuel???? yer short sighted idiot.
It fooking worked at the time. Its 4 years since they happened. If they hadn't we might be paying £1.50 already so thats not proof at all yer fooking idiot.

As for the franchises, they pay for the franchise but who do you think they buy theor fuel off they still pay a royalty on each litre that is sold so it still hits them and their sales will still decrease.

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