:D sorry i still dont get what th concern is about with th average speed cameras? surely say the speed limit on the A2 which is 60, they got average cameras there. if ya passed one camera doin th limit 60, then passed the next 30 miles later doin th limit, 60,and had covered the distance in 30 minutes (1 mile a minute) miles....wheres the problem lie?

likelyhood unless ya exceed th limit, then your always gonna be ok cos assumin at some point you hit traffic, then your gonna take longer to get from point a to b than the average (which will not be considered to be more than a minute a mile dependant on the speed limit)

i guess th only problem could be if their considerin within their 'average', traffic, so if you dont hit their estimated amount of traffic, and so arrive quicker ur penilized.

if thats th point ya gettin to sorry!:D

i'm not sure if those average cameras really work, when i had a regular car, i used to whizz down th m4 (a notorious camera spot) and the A2 (with their average cameras) at between 100-120mph, for 4 years pretty much daily. NEVER been issued a ticket. lucky i guess.and stupid!
Or how about cctv activated parking tickets you stop where your not supposed to regardless of circumstance and your automatically issued with a fixed penalty fine. let just one wheel cross the line of a bus lane even for a couple of seconds and get a fixed penalty Welcome to the world of guilty till you prove yourself innocent.
oh it is a loverly world isent it sir pevey esq ;)

back later..i'm going to take my lad to rugby doing exactlly 40(according to my speedo which in reality is 56 according to my tom tom...i hope the zero tolerence takes that into account for me :eek: :)
Ok, I've just spent a bit of time catching up with this tread and two things spring to mind.

Those of you who want to organise an protest of sorts - don't you think that most sites are screened just like e-mails for certain words? This site would have been flagged up early on and will now be closely monitored. :rolleyes:

The concerns about the average speed camras may not be nescessary. As someone mentioned, most of us are not driving vehicals built for speed! (I don't think go faster stripes work!!) When I did have a car that was capable, I was doing over 500 miles a week (no notorway driving), mostly along the same route. Although I certainly did not keep to the speed limit most of the time, my avaerage speed was 44 to 46 mph! Your avaerage seems to be much lower that your actual speed. Be very different on the motorwaty though.
Ok, I've just spent a bit of time catching up with this tread and two things spring to mind.

Those of you who want to organise an protest of sorts - don't you think that most sites are screened just like e-mails for certain words? This site would have been flagged up early on and will now be closely monitored. :rolleyes:

Good point. Ill shut the F up!!

Edit Edit.....

Like I said I am as much to blame as everyone else!
good luck organising a big enough protest for them to take note without them finding out. Better if they know least then its not a surprise and your less likely to get mistaken for terrorists.

And you would never be able to get a single lorry/van/4x4 let alone hundreds of them anywhere near parliment/downing street, the army would be waiting for you for fear of it being a terrorist plot.

The London bombings gave the government the perefect oppotunity to stop all peaceful protests with the new terrorism laws hence why the only I made the original post.
let me get something straight!!

Im am in no way trying to organise anything!!

Nor am I suggesting that anyone should do anything!!

There you go! End of my rant!
good luck organising a big enough protest for them to take note without them finding out. Better if they know least then its not a surprise and your less likely to get mistaken for terrorists.

And you would never be able to get a single lorry/van/4x4 let alone hundreds of them anywhere near parliment/downing street, the army would be waiting for you for fear of it being a terrorist plot.

The London bombings gave the government the perefect oppotunity to stop all peaceful protests with the new terrorism laws hence why the only I made the original post.

It was you who bloody started all of this!!!!
This is why we dunt feed the trolls

Its only ends up with Grippa trying to burn things Spuddy blockading things and Hunter typing things...

This is why we dunt feed the trolls

Its only ends up with Grippa trying to burn things Spuddy blockading things and Hunter typing things...


You called?
hell no we won't go..hell no we won't go..hell no we won't...where was it we was going again ??
we.ve just got them speed cameras installed along the main route through cornwall - which is fine by me as i will virtually NEVER average getting anywhere at more than 70!!!

Sorry, fred moved on, keep up OD!

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