Day Trip To Basingstoke It Is Then Leave Your Car Where We Can Find It Grippa
It fooking worked at the time. Its 4 years since they happened. If they hadn't we might be paying £1.50 already so thats not proof at all yer fooking idiot.

As for the franchises, they pay for the franchise but who do you think they buy theor fuel off they still pay a royalty on each litre that is sold so it still hits them and their sales will still decrease.

Here's a novel idea instead of just diving in and spouting a load of bollix why don't you try and think about cause and effect and maybe even try and do a bit of research.

For instance If everyone boycotts BP & shell garages how much less fuel will Shell & BP sell. Answer They will sell the same amount because they will be selling more than they normally would to the smaller garages who will be supplying all the people who are boycotting Shell & BP franchised garages. So your idea works how exactly.
As has been said....the amount of taxation is the problem not the companies who supply it. That's why it is so bloody eggspensive in this country.

The big companies are the ones who invest billions in the search and recovery of crude to continue to provide a supply. Screw them over and it'll get fookin eggspensive fookin quick!!

A better bet would be to make it bloody clear that the next lot will be voted in on the back of significant reduction sin tax through significant reductions in the "How fast can we **** away taxpayers money" competition.

Then again...56ppl at Booker's for SVO is a good way to sleep better at night. ;)
I love burnin stuff as much as the next man just can't see how it'll bring the price of derv down. In fact if hm govt finds out folk are usin it to light fires, aka have fun, the bastards'll tax it even more.
I don't know if this has been posted already so sorry if it has.

There is a protest currently to boycot BP, Esso and Tesco petrol stations. These are the 3 biggest supplies of fuel in the UK.

The idea is that if everyone boycot's these fuel stations then in order to compete with others they will have to drop their fuel prices and as soon as they do, the others (Shell, Texaco, ASDA etc) will have to follow suit.

If enough people do it we could soon see prices back down at 70p.

Wishful thinking I know but it can't hurt to try and because us 4x4 owners "supposedly" use more fuel than all the other car types (including the very aerodynamic small enigined people carrier owners who seem to be the worst for accusing us of that) put together we would have the largest impact.

poor fella, startin this thread!shud ave known betta, its like he's neva bin on LZ before!

my 2 pences worth,

nowt to do with oil companies, rules of supply and demand simple as.

its th rate of duty thats a killer!

and no NO government will ever EVER reduce duty, its a pot of cash thats jus too easy to accumilate and then spend.

Its same as the ol tax on tea, everyone drunk it,everyone paid lovely lovely tax on it. ofcourse until they revolted...pesky americans!
After next week I plan on boycotting all of them as I'm going to produce my own, so unless they drop the price by half I still be better off (unless it won't work on home brew bio)....
I'll let you know how I get on but have no doubt it'll be just fine before I start offering my services to others (thats making fuel, nothing kinky I'm afraid - seeing how some of you I thought I should clarify that).
fooken ell you lot kin make a fooken noise.....the price o fuel will neva come down....u kin fooken boycott all yer like.....its bin on an upward trend since they discovered the fooken stuff, an its gonna keep goin up as it gets more n more difficult to extract and produce. As surely as the sun will come up 2morrow, its gonna cost us more. u boycott, they wait...they have the reserves to do that. eventually all the boycotting dies orf, and they put the price up ta recover wot they lost when u lot boycotted em....aint no way in hell they gonna drop their margins.
I agree with most of what has been said, tax is the propblem, look at the housing intustry and first time buyers. It comes down to the countries allogations of resorces and funds. Those who have them can afford to invest to generate more, basicly that is what the Government is doing, even if it is killing the economy. It doesn't help that the UK follows the same economy trends as America and we are accepting nation for countless years waiting to be told what to do. From what I have heard, the price of oil per barrel has not increased that much, I was told that before Christmas so it might have changed.
anyone using biodiesel via fuelpod?? or u make biodiesel automancially okay granted it cost 2500 grand but it looks good. and takes all the work . any thoughts on this guys? mine it 200tdi biodeisel safe to run 100%?

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