I've started using biodeisel but I am mixing it as I already have starting proplems. The people I buy it off have two landrovers and run them both on biodeisel 100%. After reading all the pros and cons, I think it is abit of, introducing it slowly, listen to the engine, change the fuel filter after the first 500 miles and see how it goes. At the first sign of any proplems, get to the petrol station.
"For instance If everyone boycotts BP & shell garages how much less fuel will Shell & BP sell. Answer They will sell the same amount because they will be selling more than they normally would to the smaller garages who will be supplying all the people who are boycotting Shell & BP franchised garages. So your idea works how exactly."

It works because I said boycott BP and not Shell you buy from Shell, Texaco, etc who have there own mining operations so they don't have to buy it from BP. You yould do your own research and read my previous posts.

I agree the Tax is the problem but its much harder to make the government reduce tax. Thats what happened in the fuel blockades the gov eventually cut tax but they did the economy more harm than good.

This isn't my idea but it's the best one I'v heard so far.
"How about blockading the houses of parlement / downing street / Whitehall and so on."

I like that idea. Problem is to do that we face congestion charges. Robbing barstewards
Just stick some Polish number plates on yer vehicles. Parrantly, coppers can't do anything about Polish vehicles if what I heard on Radio 2 this morning was correct ;)
"How about blockading the houses of parlement / downing street / Whitehall and so on."

I like that idea. Problem is to do that we face congestion charges. Robbing barstewards

the other problem with that is....

you will get nicked and any vehical impounded..

since the wtc and 7/7 new law's were brought into effect which give's the police and goverment the power to shut down any area or protest without reason..

if more than three people congregate they can be asked to move on if refused, they then can hand you a asbo, still fail to move and you can be arrested..and held for upto 48 hour's without charge, 72 with aplication or 28 day's under the terrorist act...

thats well worth a few pence saving:rolleyes:
Wouldn't make any difference anyway.

473000 people turned up for the fox hunting protest and they just ignored it.
I've forgotten what the statistic is assuming it wasn't made up but for every penny they put on fuel as tax it earns the government an extra £1200000 per week.
fookin oil companies make more money selling to **** to comercial companies anyhoo, the fact that the fuel duty gets put up and 5 people now by from tesco aint too much o a worry to them.....

there's plenty folk who still go to the expensive BP garage close to me as they want some BP ultomate super petrol at the extra expence as is gives them an extra .000000003466BHP to their pug 106 with NOS stickers and go faster speed stripes.

anyhoo if yer want to get something back off the high oil price get a job offshore wi an oil company as they have so much money their giving it away to plebs like me :D
I found when i used BP ultimate that i was genuinely getting about an extra 10% improvement in fuel consumption coupled with noticeable extra power in my petrol Audi, and it cost a bit less than 10% more so i tried to use it wherever possible. The Tesco special isn't as good though, as it's only 97 ron as opposed to 98.
hun73r.. you are going on about people moaning over the internet..but yet thats what you yourself are doing !!

as for me i have been arrested for my freedom and right's on many of an occasion, i have stood side by side in riot's(for a more worthy cause than cheep fuel) and i have still got all the same bollix you internet warrior's have..

my point being you can ****ing argue and stamp your feet all you want they will just steam roller you and carry on regardless..

and btw a few thousend protesters stood up against the pit closer's..they still closed

a few thousend stood up for pro hunting..it was still banned

a few thousend stood for cheeper fuel in 04..it still increased..

a few thousend stood up against the poll tax..it was still brought into effect..

a few thousend stood up against the war in the middle east..it still go's on..

if you think that a few thousend people(like even 10 thou +) will overwhelm the police..then also remeber the have force's all over the country that can and will be pulled into help oh and then there's the army they also have on side...

so i think you may find that people get hurt arrested and noware fast...

oh and my last question is how many trucks do you think you could get on white chaple road..its not thousends thats for dam sure..
landys still beat 70 and its a blanket speed avarage ie you pass one camara recorded pass the next one if your there before the avarage time your fined..

this is ok if every car as a 100% calibrated speedo so you are doing exact speed..

also i think it would cause more accidents as every **** will watch their speedo rather than the road..

yup real good idea doh!!!

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