That's a closed group that I deliberately didn't join because they set themselves up as the "Official" Freelander club/group. In my mind, that's fallacious!

I'd not heard of 'fallacious' until just now, but its dictionary definition was perfect....

1. containing a fallacy; logically unsound:
2. deceptive; misleading
3. disappointing; delusive:

So I weren't going to join a bunch of pricks (said in the knowledge that the/some founders were/are also LZ members).

Having said that, I found all Freelander FB Groups a turn off, hence the 1st post on this thread...

Fed up with c**p posts in your Freelander groups on Facebook?
  • Is that repetitive drivel getting in the way of finding Nana's share of a cute puppy or grumpy cat?
  • Are the posts asking whats the biggest tyres that can fit a Freelander stopping you finding those rip-off bargains that are 'suggested' posts?
  • Are Freelander based slanging matches hiding that pic of your 'friend' that you sort of knew at some point but can't really remember why?
If these interference are ruining the enjoyment of your internet staple (2nd staple to LZ obviously!), but you'd still like to see some pretty meaningless Freelander pics and/or related content. Then dump your Freelander FB groups and view/post your Freelander pics/drivel on this thread.

Duno if it'll turn into a decent thread or if anyone's interested, but worth a go.

If you're not interested, just don't follow/watch the thread.
Maybe I'm just Grumpy!
That's a closed group that I deliberately didn't join because they set themselves up as the "Official" Freelander club/group. In my mind, that's fallacious!

I'd not heard of 'fallacious' until just now, but its dictionary definition was perfect....

1. containing a fallacy; logically unsound:
2. deceptive; misleading
3. disappointing; delusive:

So I weren't going to join a bunch of pricks (said in the knowledge that the/some founders were/are also LZ members).

Having said that, I found all Freelander FB Groups a turn off, hence the 1st post on this thread...

Maybe I'm just Grumpy!
I don't do Facebook, so know nothing of these groups of which you speak.
However LZ seems quiet these days so maybe many members are on them?
I hate facebook and it's constant friend demands from people I don't know (and probably don't want to know) I hate the 'here today and gone tomorrow' nature of the posts and I am absolutely not interested in what someone had for tea.
I'm sticking to Landyzone thanks.
Who gives a flying f..k about someone else's culinary habits. I can't see the point thb. I'm glad I'm not in on all that drudgery.
Well, its been a while, so its time for some pics from down the Waimak :) Took a drive out tonight down there - passing the Copthorne Hotel at 7:30, the sign said 24 degrees - Christmas weather! It was glorious down at the river....


However, it had been raining up in the mountains and the river was flowing at 185 cumecs (m3/s) which is to fast to fish making the water to muddy. I knew it would be before setting off - but it was a lovely evening, so went down anyway. Plenty of entertainment though as some **** in a Disco thought it would be fun to drive through a muddy/sandy hole, and got stuck...


I went over to see if I could help and they asked if I had a rope! Twits decided to do some mud plugging and didn't even have a rope! I always carry a rope on the car - but I used it to move the parts car yesterday and had forgotten to put it back in, so couldn't help. Anyway he had other people there, so I thought I'd see what it was like further downstream at the "Banana Hole"...


I thought I'd throw my line in here and have a go. Didn't catch anything, but at least the only tackle I lost was 1 jighead. After about 30 mins a boat came past towing a water skier, so I thought I'd pack up and head back upstream. I went back to check on the stranded Disco to see if there was anything I could do. They were in a right mess! They had managed to get some straps/ropes and were trying to pull the Disco out with a Hilux Surf and Ford Courier UTE - but it was having none of it. The Disco was very sunk in the mud and sand and was sitting on its chassis & axles. I collected a load of drift wood for them to try putting under the wheels (big branches etc), but they weren't interested - to lost in their own confusion.

All the time they were getting nowhere trying to pull it out, the tide was coming up and it was just getting worse. I couldn't offer much help, and what help I could give was ignored, so I left them to it....

Cornwall was looking nice yesterday.
This was the view looking south from the bedroom window. It was a lovely start to the day. Not as nice a NZ, as we have fog in the distance and no mountains.
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Cornwall was looking nice yesterday.
This was the view looking south from the bedroom window. It was a lovely star to the day. Not as nice a NZ, as we have fog in the distance and no mountains. View attachment 113340
Looks very nice :)

You never know what you're going to get here - almost hour to hour sometimes! It may have been 24 degrees at 7:30pm - but by dawn that will have dropped to 6 degrees and tomorrow's only getting into the teens.

Our friends are holidaying in the UK in June next year - they just booked themselves a static caravan for a week near Newquay.
Looks very nice :)

You never know what you're going to get here - almost hour to hour sometimes! It may have been 24 degrees at 7:30pm - but by dawn that will have dropped to 6 degrees and tomorrow's only getting into the teens.

Our friends are holidaying in the UK in June next year - they just booked themselves a static caravan for a week near Newquay.

Cornwall can have weather just like you described for NZ. It's very changeable here, literally hour by hour.

Newquay holidays are popular. I don't always see the attraction myself. Probably because live just 6 miles from the town itself. It's got some fabulous surfing, if that's your thing. But
I prefer the south coast. The fishing is less wild. The sea is less rough with fewer tackle losing snags.
It's much nicer down in Cornwall, compared to the South East where I grew up.
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And now, off to the tip we go. And I've spotted a load more:(

Wouldn't it just be easier for the council to leave skips out for the mongrels to use? Maybe they'd nick the skips and sell them for scrap iron!

Your new van looks much more fit for purpose!

My next door neighbour had a Toyota equivalent of that type of flat bed van with a cage complete with hydraulic lift. He makes continuous cotton socking that muscle farmers use to 'plant' the muscles on. The van was brilliant cos I could borrow it and get heaps of garden waste down the tip. The sod's sold it though and replaced it with a UTE, bugger!
Went back down the river tonight. Disco was gone. They obviously found something with enough grunt to get it out and get enough grip in the gravel...


Was another lovely night down there..... brought all sorts out... people fishing, people walking dogs, people riding horses, people swimming, people out on their 'dirt bikes', couple of jet boats buzzing around... and of course people out having fun in their "trucks" - but nobody got stuck without any means of getting out that I could see tonight :)

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