i was thinking of changing my name to somthing like biggles what do you think ??

BIGGLES? :rofl:

OK guys and gals, caption competition time...............


Does Drewster have the ability to provide us all with cheap, clean fuel?? :scratching_chin:
BIGGLES? :rofl:

OK guys and gals, caption competition time...............


Does Drewster have the ability to provide us all with cheap, clean fuel?? :scratching_chin:

well your paint will be bleached if you get within 100m of drewster after a curry !
When you said Drew was a pain in the arse thats not quite what I was thinking!!!!!!!:eek: :p
Fotografik evidence of Buckshot in farmers field and not on the byway :p
Tssk Tssk :D

in my defence the field was ripped to fook where i was, + i didnt fancy sittin at the bottom that hill (waitin for the rest to catch up in 1st or 2nd low box) tigger was slippin and slidin down that muddy bit of track:D .
and i needed a wiz! too! hence why i was off "piste"
in my defence the field was ripped to fook where i was, + i didnt fancy sittin at the bottom that hill (waitin for the rest to catch up in 1st or 2nd low box) tigger was slippin and slidin down that muddy bit of track:D .
and i needed a wiz! too!

I knew if I dangled a big enough carrot you'd bite! :hysterically_laughi :mooning: :behindsofa:

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