I have never tried it but I've heard and apple, grape, elderflower mix is very nice. PM me anytime you need advice but don't expect very intelligent answers. I just muddle my way and mostly it comes out fine despite my efforts.
If you can make it in larger quantities and let it mature in the demijohn it is supposed to improve, but I normally end up bottling and drinking it straight away.
beer eh. My next older brother has in the past won awards [ of dubious value] for his home brewed beers. and my next older one after him has his own commercial 'micro' brewery - Trail Ale, in Alexandra.
beer eh. My next older brother has in the past won awards [ of dubious value] for his home brewed beers. and my next older one after him has his own commercial 'micro' brewery - Trail Ale, in Alexandra.
Does he have any available sons? I've always told my daughter to marry a Southern boy who's dad owns a station - but a brewery I could accept as well :)
Is that the Ferris Road Brewery? I'll have to see if there's anywhere in Chch that sells it.
The Mrs and me had dinner at the Twisted Hop in Woolston last night. The food there is OK - but their Golding Bitter is fantastic. They had some "The Pursuit of Hoppiness" magazines there. Found this advert in there which is another great pub...
@GrumpyGel I reckon I will have to load up my F/L and bring it with me next time I visit NZ - You asked me to try some slow speed prop revcounter trials - Cheez - in this country if I try to drive slow on a road at anytime day or night I get Merc drivers honkin' to tell me how much more important they are, BMW drivers honkin' to say how much busier they are, and Audi drivers that are s***t scared if they don't overtake me their willies will fall off.
I could cruise down the South Island west coast in peace (avoiding your one train on that bloody silly roundabout or on those one track bridges) and do long slow straights from Mt Cooke back to Christchurch. Might catch a pint of homebrew somewhere @htr
Had to use the Maui Vans in the past - great fun tho!!
lol, after being here for 12 years, and its 9 since I was last 'back home', I think if I jumped in a car and drove it like I used to in the UK - I'd poop my pants. Even on the wide open, straight, empty East Coast roads here I stick to between 100-110 kmh (60mph) - I'd feel like a complete maniac driving at 80-85 mph these days!

My mate, who had not 'been home' for 10 years had to go back a couple of weeks ago with work. He picked up a hire car from Manchester airport, took the M62 to Bradford and was a nervous wreck by the time he got there!

My family moved here when I was a kid in '74 and we spent 2 years in Dunedin before moving back to the UK. I didn't come back until about 15 years ago, for a family wedding. After the wedding I headed off with my young family in a Maui campervan for a couple of weeks. We had such a wonderful time that we then decided to shift over. As you say, there are so many different 'worlds' down here in the South Island - each very different. Plus of course there are a whole bunch of other different worlds on the North Island. The one lane bridges are uber cool and part of the character of NZ - it was a shame when they got rid of the last one on SH1 (our nearest to the M1). Unfortunately they do cause a lot of traffic deaths - not because cars from both directions are squeezed into 1 lane, but because overseas drivers (ie drive on the right) come up to them on the correct side of the road, but lose concentration after crossing them and head off on the wrong side - the crashes usually occur on the first bend after the bridge!

Next time you're over, we'll have to meet up at one of the worlds :)

Here's a pic taken in a Maui van we hired after moving over. Sort of sums up a lot of the reasons for us moving over - 2 smiling kids out on an adventure. Don't tell Maui about the dog being in the van though!

I bought a car in Auckland a couple of years ago. While I was on the test drive i drove through a red light much to the alarm and anxiety of the salesman. Yes a big blunder on my part but happily with no consequences for anyone. I explained about where I live in the South Island and that I'd have to drive about 2 1/2 hours to find my first traffic light! He replied that the traffic must be very bad indeed LOL I'd have covered 200 to 250km in that time. It's only as you approach Queenstown that the roads become 'interesting' with overseas drivers. You take your life into you hands heading through the gorge to Q'tn.
Just got back from a 750KM trip over a couple of days with my son for a fishng/golf trip to Tekapo, Twizel & Otematata. Freelander performed great. Got a shock as we came round a corner as we went round Lake Pukaki when a helicopter swung its monsoon bucket across in front of us to dip into the lake for a reload. We'd seen the plume of smoke from the scrub fire from 50KMs away. This is taken on the road up from Otematata to Benmore dam...


Lovely pic that gets a bit tarnished when explained that we'd stopped at a loo for a rest stop! This was our catch from the dam...


Salmon each of a couple of pounds. Returned lots about this size in the hope of some bigger ones - but none caught. We did both miss out on huge Trout - mine jumped for the softbait as it was lifted from the water, Michael's he thought he'd hooked, but it was swimming above the Salmon he had actually hooked. Big shouts of 'OHHH' on both occasions. Stopped at Twizel for another rest stop (and ice creams!) and noticed these clever little devils. In the carpark, there were a bunch of birds (all/mainly Sparrows) that were picking the insects off radiators of cars as they arrived! Never seen that before.

Just about to return to UK after a month with Rellies - beaches - Norfolk pines - long white clouds - sunshine - S.Blanc - more sunshine - no South Island on this trip though just bumbling round Kawakawa Bay to Papamoa


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Ahh - shame you didn't make it down south! Next time maybe. Sounds like you've had a pretty good time up north though :)
Lovely :) Lots of people haven't got any time for Kahawai - but great on the smoker! I had a touch of the Monday morning blues yesterday so took a couple of hours out with a mate in his 'Tinny' on the Waimak. No Salmon and not even a Kahawai yesterday - but it sure beats work :)

As you can see - the sun has deserted us down on the South Island so far this week!
Lovely :) Lots of people haven't got any time for Kahawai - but great on the smoker! I had a touch of the Monday morning blues yesterday so took a couple of hours out with a mate in his 'Tinny' on the Waimak. No Salmon and not even a Kahawai yesterday - but it sure beats work :)

As you can see - the sun has deserted us down on the South Island so far this week!
That looks great fun. More adventurous than my fishing, which is usually sat on the side of a river bank or on a small boat on the Norfolk broads. Unfortunately I only get time to fish when I'm on holiday in the caravan, and it's closed season for the first couple of goes. Thinking of pike fishing this year for a change when I'm inland, not made my mind up about sea fishing this year. Usually perch precariously on the cliffs around Anglesey and catch sod all, so it might be time to overcome my fear of wide open water (yes, I'm really scared if I can't see land!!) and go on a fishing trip with a guide. Beats the hell out of what I'm doing at the mo, which is picking fly tips up, as some dirty gits think it's alright not to use the local tips, but it keeps me in a job. Look on the bright side and all that stuff.
Mike :)
That looks great fun. More adventurous than my fishing, which is usually sat on the side of a river bank or on a small boat on the Norfolk broads. Unfortunately I only get time to fish when I'm on holiday in the caravan, and it's closed season for the first couple of goes. Thinking of pike fishing this year for a change when I'm inland, not made my mind up about sea fishing this year. Usually perch precariously on the cliffs around Anglesey and catch sod all, so it might be time to overcome my fear of wide open water (yes, I'm really scared if I can't see land!!) and go on a fishing trip with a guide. Beats the hell out of what I'm doing at the mo, which is picking fly tips up, as some dirty gits think it's alright not to use the local tips, but it keeps me in a job. Look on the bright side and all that stuff.
Mike :)
You get about a bit - from Yorkshire to Anglesey and the Broads. Just as well you've got the TD4 not the V6! That was a dilemma we had. As well as breaking down all the time, our old V8 Disco was so thirsty we would chose not to go places, just cos it cost so much in fuel. The L Series Freelander fixed both those problems :)

I enjoy my fishing here in NZ. Chch is great for freshwater fishing for Trout and Salmon, although its not particularly great for land-based sea fishing. Having said that, this is one of my fave pics (taken a long time ago now) of my boy with a (fish of the day!) Kahawai taken at Bridlings Flat...


Kahawai are great sports fish and predators. We have sat on that beach fishing on various occasions and watched the Kahawai round up 'bait fish' in huge shoals and go on a feeding frenzy. If its inshore, you can throw a spinner out and catch the Kahawai. If its off shore, after the Kahawai start feeding the Dolphins join in and its an awesome site.

I've never fished the Broads, but my mum & dad used to have a house and boat at Isleham Marina on the River Lark near Newmarket on the eastern edge of the Fens. We used to Pike fish there - and there were a lot of them about! We used to use lures - I think the ones for Pike are called 'Plugs'. Me and my mates used to hire boats out of various ports around the South East every couple of months - Littlehampton, Newhaven, Southend etc. We had some great days fishing and would usually come back with a good feed :) As you say, the captains/guides know where to go!

If my job goes kaput, I'm sure there must be work picking up fly tips here as well - it may be a beautiful place, but NZ has more than its fair share of low-life dregs who think its fine for them to do stuff like that.
As 17th March draws to a close here in NZ, I have been enjoying a few of these...


Hope those on later time zones enjoy a few later :)
Huh, I'm in Northern Ireland and would you believe Paddys day is not even a public holiday here. It is a bank holiday but I don't get those so was working. To make matters worse I have to start work tomorrow at 5am so going to bed now!
What a crappy way to spend Paddys day. :(

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