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This is kind of a long story but...I took my Landy to a bloke I thought was good to swap my petrol engine to a diesel and convert from 24v to 12v. 3 months later I had to drive over an hour and (with the help of my brother) persuade (!) him to let me have the Landy back. It had a 200tdi engine in but was not driveable so towed it back.
Now I have taken it to a proper garage and there are numerous things wrong. One such thing is the fan cowl is missing. The mechanic has suggested putting in an electric fan rather than fannying (sorry had to be done!) around with the one on there. What's the pro's and cons. What would you do?
If you'd said this before LZ12, I'd have brought my old one you could have ... It's quite a large thing to post!
It's unlikely to go anywhere fast, so if I need to go south or you come north just say so .. :)
No reason to go electric mate. The VC is very tolerant, and if it ain't broke, don't go getting all modernist and Frankenstein over it. It'll run fine without the cowling, and some people even run them without the fan.
What else is wrong?
I agree with Vin, it's not a big issue so just get it road worthy and worry about a fan cowling later.

It's no biggy.
Electric fans are quite common after an engine change. I don't know where the 200 sits compared to the original lump, but the cowling probably doesn't fit anymore which is why it's been left off.
As has been said many times, the 200tdi does run cool and doesn't often need a fan ( heavy towing up hills and sitting in 'summer' traffic are exceptions ). So, either leave it with no fan at all, or stick a switchable leccy one on. In my opinion!

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