New Member
need a new viscous, will 300 work? they seem to have more blades on but fitting appears to be the same?
anyone got a good one i can pinch???:confused:
Hi Raz, i've seen sommit on here sometime ago about just replacing the viscous unit and keeping the blades
Just gorra noo viscous for me V8. £30 an about 25 minutes to fit - once you've realised it's a left hand self tightening thread and you've been tightening the bastid thing fer the last 20 minutes :(
Just gorra noo viscous for me V8. £30 an about 25 minutes to fit - once you've realised it's a left hand self tightening thread and you've been tightening the bastid thing fer the last 20 minutes :(

I've never heard of that happening before - hee hee hee hee

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