
Well-Known Member
I'm translating at the Eurotrial Competition at Montecopiolo (Pesaro-Urbino) all this week. There are 126 vehicles competing including two Brits - Lee Pritchard in a Honda - and Bruce Robert in the only Land Rover taking part.
The Brits haven't turned up yet but there are some Finns with an interesting Mini.

The whole circus kicks off tomorrow and hopefully I'll be able to post some pictures of the Landy.
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That mini is brilliant Mandy. :)

I was in Milan until last night. Went upto Como for the day as well. Never been before, Absolutely stunning. :D

Until it rained :(



Bob and Jeff in their Land Rover prototype

A Finnish prototype being recovered after rolling over four times down a hill (driver and co-driver were both unharmed)

Another prototype

Standard Land Rover
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The Norwegian ladies' team.
There was also a Swiss lady with a male co-driver in the promodified category and a German lady in the original category.

BGB if you come to Italy again, give me a shout

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