What sort of times are we thnking? Need to know if i need to take the whole day off.

It will be an all dayer, usually starting around 9.30 ish and going onto mid afternoon. Usually a stop half way in a town to use the public loos and take a 30 minute break.

Was great last time, watching the locals faces as about 20 very muddy 4x4's decended on there town.:D
Hmmmm, after all the money its cost me this weekend I should just get some use and abuse from it.

What night you thinking?
Well i now have Thursday off in the hope that my cambelt kit will arrive by then so i can get it fitted.
If it works then i'll be free that night.
Just got my computer back, the hard drive gave up. what have i been missing and when are we going laning and where and who with ?
bring me up to date

dont think we been out so you ant missed anything there Geoff, motors keep breaking.......the useal realy :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Good to have ya back mate..

Prob going out on Thursday night by looks of it.
Hello people (I won't be able to make Thursday) I'm working :( also won't be at bures on the 5th (may as well take up embroidery as a hobby)
hey guys, just done my diff lock..........

just want to try it out now, hurry up thursday. or some snow would be nice, we just had a little sprinkile in Ipswich.

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