What the Landy chris? Or are we reverting back to the Green piece of junk?
Its ok chris Ill just ignore hairdresser 'too old for a chavvy cabby' Brian ;) (was that an even cheaper shot lmao)

I understand that you have access to a nice Vice...... I need to use one to un-stick my Diff lock, any chance of comming round and borrowing it some time this week, Please?
Crow bar would probably be better as the vice is bolted to a desk. That what we used to free up mine, plus a load of copper grease.
I hace one so shouldn't be a problem mate.
Vices are usually bolted to a bench and work best that way. ;)

Best to remove the mechanism it's only a couple of bolts once you have access to it.
Good luck. My v8 took about 20 minutes of abuse with a large club hammer in the vice before it would move freely. It was stuck both ways though and yours does move forward and back so the crowbar may be enough.
Depends if I win my large order this week. At the moment I wont have any spare cash next month. (Good thing in December eh?)

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