Well who else had an fun day then?

30 minutes in and sheared the pin in my rear diff blowing it to pieces putting a hole in the casing in the process.
Back to the carpark, route through Bures spare parts and buy a replacement diff. Take the diff and 1wd Disco back to my mates workshop.
2 and a half hours later and we return to Bures with a working diff and give it hell for leather for 2 hours! :D

Hats off to ya chris.... I would of gone home and called it a day.....
My dad said thanks, he had an awesome day! Scared at times lol

I broke my 230v hook up adapter bracket! (yes i have a plug socket in the back of my disco) Now I cant go camping without a cable tie! And the lens on one if my fog lights! More bloody expense.

"Mike offered me a blow job and a winch bumper! Or was it a blow job FOR a winch bumper"

Cheers for a good day people. Cant wait to go out again! (stu make sure Brian has his window down next time a do a puddle drive by)
Oh also snapped my winch rope trying to pull myself out the mud. :lol:
Sounds like i missed all the morning fun whilst i was fixing mine. Still the afternoon was entertaining enough.
oh no more money...........

it was a good day and expensive for us all, but hey, more to come

you can pick which i mean, good days or expensive ones.
Yer i'll just reattach the hook and keep using it plus i still have the original wire too.
I reckon but of both lol. I'm gonna go buy some spare diffs! :lol:
Yer i'll just reattach the hook and keep using it plus i still have the original wire too.
I reckon but of both lol. I'm gonna go buy some spare diffs! :lol:

lol, yeah look for a cheap one or two from ebay........

I got a price for the alternator px most are about £130 is, I can buy one from eabay new for about £80ish so may do that. I am going to look at refurbing mine, so I got a spare we seem to be going through them....

got it off at mo and trying to gte the pulley off but cant... hey more plus gas, and guess what is now turning....... but the bearing is buggered.
Bit of a bitch with the alternator fella. I reckon next time maybe bring some lube spray and coat parts like that before we go in.
Bit of a bitch with the alternator fella. I reckon next time maybe bring some lube spray and coat parts like that before we go in.

Yeah maybe an idea, I am going to def get an other one and recon mine with a kit, so i got a spare....... if not only for me, maybe get one of the monkeys out of trouble.

I am thinking about seeing if I can runn up a alternator blanket on me sewing machine to help keep the worse out...... my problem is I like tooo much water....lol

You got anything to get the big nut undone on the alternator mate....??? my tool kit ant that good...lol, well its just basic at the mo.
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That might well be a good idea. Don't worry i like the puddles too!
Yer probably got a big enough socket at the workshop mate. I'll have a look when i go down there.
Ok mate that great thank you, I just recived alternator today ordered a belt, oil and fuel filter, just waiting for them to turn up now then i'll put the alternator on so I can get over on Saturday.

Once the Pulleys off I am going to recon the oild one and keep it in stock....
Got my inlaws over this weekend as my father in law needs an mot.

Comes down from liecester to get me to take it to my local as they keep ripping him off when he takes it to a garage.

Before anyone makes any comments about Indians because it is liecester then you might need to know my inlaws are Indian. ;)
Got my inlaws over this weekend as my father in law needs an mot.

Comes down from liecester to get me to take it to my local as they keep ripping him off when he takes it to a garage.

Before anyone makes any comments about Indians because it is liecester then you might need to know my inlaws are Indian. ;)

Ok mate, I'll aim to be over about 10 ish, is that ok.???
Let me know what recon kit you get. Mine needs doing.

Is your alternator the same as mine, have a look at the pics i took in this tread.


They are about £20 to £25 on ebay.

I am think I just need new bearings for the Old one. but untill I get it apart will not know , but saying that I may just do the whole thing, but that depeneds on what it looks like inside, ie brushes and stator
anychance of telling me what o/s maps i need for these lanes, cheers, kirk.

It depends which lanes your talking about, also do you want 1:50 000 or 1:25 000, as the areas covered for each scale is differnt and they have differnt numberes

As Brian says try WH Smiths, or go to the OS website where you can see which map covers which area.

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