You have a point.

There would be a fight though as I would want the winch. bumper, steering guard, trailing arms and wheels.

That don't leave much for anyone else really... :rofl:
Those are not lanes, us Essex lot got together this weekend in a Pay and Play site specifically designed for just this type of thing. :)

Looks mint mate! When ive got the series 3 more reliable i'll have to trundle down!! ;)
I thought we shouldnt drive the old lanes if they look this wet and in this condition?? What is the actual rule on this? I get LRO every month, and they make quite a big deal about not going on lanes that are going to get churned up and in a sh*t state, so i just wondered?

I'm not an expert so this is just my observations in my short time of laning.

Some lanes are closed during the winter months with proper council signs up showing these dates. This is to preserve them over the time of year they would most likely get damaged.

I dont know if this is common, but my nearest lane is certainly not open from November 1st till 31st march.

Most other lanes are open all year, but a lot of self dicapline (sp) is asked for by sensible Lane users. No going off the proper track, no Huge mud tyres to churn up the track, giveing way to other users of the lane. All common sense stuff.

I have been on lanes that have been looked after by the council too. Dependant on the council I suppose, but some will go and flatten the really bad ones from time to time. I think even some farmers like to keep the lane accesable for there own use.

All in all I think that the LRO magazine are just asking for people to be sensible so that these lanes are not all closed down to 4x4 drivers due to the bad few that spoil it for the rest of us.

I hope that makes sense and helps, I can't be bothered to go back and proof read it.:)
You have a point.

There would be a fight though as I would want the winch. bumper, steering guard, trailing arms and wheels.

That don't leave much for anyone else really... :rofl:

I would like the winch as have it one day i'll have it the next.
Pull yourself out. That is tbe main role for the winch. You need to go to the site in chelmsford and get some practice.
Pull yourself out. That is tbe main role for the winch. You need to go to the site in chelmsford and get some practice.

I can see a visit to Chelmsford comming up.......

Dam brakes are still rubbing after sunday, tooo much sand, and i presure washed them, will have to take the wheels off and try it.
Dam brakes are still rubbing after sunday, tooo much sand, and i presure washed them, will have to take the wheels off and try it.

Have just given the disc's and calipers another squirt, think they is clear now just wait and see if the noise comes back.......:confused::confused::confused:
Pull yourself out. That is tbe main role for the winch. You need to go to the site in chelmsford and get some practice.

Just got these date of the website for the chelmsford one.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Sunday 7th & Sunday 21st
Sunday 5th & Monday 27th
My brakes were rubbing, took wheel off and I was missing a rear brake pad! £12.40 for a set of rear brake pads then I was on my way to Cornwall. (****ing down with rain-which is a good thing cos it's cleaning my car) November the 14th is my dads birthday so I will be dragging him around bures, as a present!
I have not been to the chelmsford one but i'd imagine a lift and decent tyres would be the minimum requirement.

I would also expect panel damage from all the trees.
Have just given the disc's and calipers another squirt, think they is clear now just wait and see if the noise comes back.......:confused::confused::confused:
Bures sand and gravel kills pads n disks.Never got rid of my squeak, got worse once the disks were warm.
Alternator cream crackered, getting used one put on thursday £90 fitted, no point putting on a new one as the off roading kills them.
Brian did you get a trailling arm sorted if not I can ask mechanic if he has one

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